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NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质

品牌: NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质
NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质: NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质
NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质: NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质
NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质: NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-08-21 16:52
浏览次数: 161

石灰石,泥质:Limestone, Argillaceous 1d 70 g

铸铁:Cast Iron 4l 150 g

铸铁:Cast Iron 5m 150 g

铸铁:Cast Iron 6g 150 g

转炉钢(模拟),0.1%的碳:Bessemer Steel (Simulated), 0.1 % Carbon 8k 150 g

基本平炉钢,0.4%碳:Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.4% Carbon 12h 150 g

0.6%碳钢:0.6% Carbon Steel 13g 150 g

碳钢(AISI 1078):Carbon Steel (AISI 1078) 14g 150 g

基本平炉钢,1%的碳:Basic Open- Hearth Steel, 1% carbon 16f 150 g

蔗糖旋光度:Sucrose Optical Rotation 17f 60 g

基本的电工钢,0.2%碳:Basic Electric Steel, 0.2% Carbon 19h 150 g

AISI 1045钢:AISI 1045 Steel 20g 150 g

锰矿:Manganese Ore 25d 60 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钒(SAE 6150):LA Steel, Cr-V (SAE 6150) 30f 150 g

镍铬钢(SAE 3140):Nickel-Chromium Steel (SAE 3140) 32e 150 g

洛杉矶钢,镍钼(SAE 4820):LA Steel, Ni-Mo (SAE 4820) 33e 150 g

铬钼钢:Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 36b 150 g

苯甲酸(量热标准):Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) 39j 30 g

铜凝固点:Cu Freezing Point 45d 450 g

硅酸盐水泥细度标准:Portland Cement Fineness Std 46h 10 vials x 5 g

铅冰点:Lead Freezing Point 49e 600 g

钨铬钒钢:Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel 50c 150 g

轴承金属(84Pb-10SB-6SN):Bearing metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) 53e 150 g

轴承金属(锡基):Bearing metal (Tin base) 54d 170 g

金属硅:Silicon metal 57b 40 g

硅铁(73%硅普通级):Ferrosilicon (73% Si Regular Grade) 58a 75 g

硅铁:Ferrosilicon 59a 50 g

铬铁,高碳:Ferrochromium, High Carbon 64c 100 g

锰铁,高碳:Ferromanganese, High Carbon 68c 100 g

钾长石:Bauxite (Arkansas) 69b 60 g

洛杉矶钢(AISI 4130):Potassium Feldspar 70b 1 bottle x 40g

不锈钢,铬(SAE 420):LA Steel (AISI 4130) 72g 150 g

被烧的耐火材料(的Al2O3-40%):Stainless Steel, Cr (SAE 420) 73c 150 g

被烧的耐火材料(的Al2O3-60%):Burnt Refractory (Al203-40%) 76a 75 g

被烧的耐火材料(的Al2O3-70%):Burnt Refractory (Al203-60%) 77a 75 g

萤石,海关级:Burnt Refractory (Al203-70%) 78a 75 g

玻璃砂:Fluorspar, Customs Grade 79a 120 g

铸铁(镍铬):Glass Sand 81a 75 g

邻苯二甲酸氢钾:Cast Iron (Ni-Cr) 82b 150 g

铝 - 硅合金:Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate 84l 60 g

白云质灰岩:Aluminum-Silicon Alloy 87a 75 g

玻璃,铅钡:Dolomitic Limestone 88b 75 g

磷铁:Glass, Lead Barium 89 45 g

钠钙玻璃粉末:Ferrophosphorus 90 75 g

硼硅玻璃:Soda-Lime Glass Powder 92 45 g

锌基压铸合金:Borosilicate Glass 93a wafer

焦宝石:Zinc-base Die Casting Alloy 94c 150 g

塑料粘土:Flint Clay 97b 60 g

苏打长石:Plastic Clay 98b 60 g

洛杉矶钢,锰(SAE T340):Soda Feldspar 99b 40 g

不锈钢(AISI 304L):LA Steel, Manganese (SAE T340) 100b 150 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钼铝(Nitralloy RG):Stainless Steel (AISI 304L) 101g 100 g

铸铁(镍铬钼):LA Steel, Cr-Mo-Al (Nitralloy rG) 106b 150 g

锌精矿:Cast Iron (Ni-Cr-Mo) 107c 150 g

硅酸盐水泥细度标准:Zinc Concentrate 113b 100 g

铸铁(铜 - 镍 - 铬):Portland Cement Fineness Std 114q 20 vials

磷矿石(佛罗里达州):Cast Iron (Cu-Ni-Cr) 115a 150 g

铸铁:Phosphate Rock (Florida) 120c 90 g

不锈钢,铬镍铌(AISI 348):Cast Iron 122i 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高硅:Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Nb (AISI 348) 123c 150 g

高镍钢(36%镍):LA Steel, High Silicon 125b 1 bottle x 100 g

焊接,40Sn-60PB:High-Nickel Steel (36 % Ni) 126c 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高含硫(SAE 112):Solder, 40Sn-60Pb 127b 150 g

工具钢(AISI M2):LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112) 129c 150 g

铬钼钢:Tool Steel (AISI M2) 132b 150 g

工具钢,钼钨,铬钒:Chromium-Molybdenum Steel 133b 150 g

重铬酸钾(氧化滴定标准):Tool Steel, Mo-W-Cr-V 134a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,Cr-Ni-Mo系(AISI 8640):Potassium Dichromate, (Oxidimetric Standard) 136f 60 g

乙酰苯胺:LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8640) 139b 150 g

胱氨酸:Acetanilide 141d 2 g

烟酸:Cystine 143d 2 g

基本平炉钢,0.5%碳(田轴承):Nicotinic Acid 148 2 g

钛白粉:Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.5% Carbon (Tin Bearing) 152a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,Cr-W:Titanium Dioxide 154c 90 g

青铜,硅:LA Steel, Cr-W 155 150 g

不锈钢(铬18镍12钼2)(AISI 316):Bronze, Silicon 158a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,1.0C的:Stainless Steel (Cr 18-Ni 12-Mo 2) (AISI 316) 160b 150 g

玻璃砂(低铁):LA Steel, 1.0 C 163 100 g

不锈钢,低碳钢(AISI 316L):Glass Sand (Low Iron) 165a 75 g

钛合金(6AL-4V):Stainless Steel, Low-Carbon (AISI 316L) 166c 100 g

0.4C碱性氧气转炉钢:0.4C Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel 178 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高硅:LA Steel, High Silicon 179 150 g

萤石,高品位:Fluorspar, High Grade 180 120 g

锂矿石(锂辉石):Lithium Ore (Spodumene) 181 45 g

锂矿(透锂长石):Lithium Ore (Petalite) 182 45 g

锂矿(锂云母):Lithium Ore (Lepidolite) 183 45 g

邻苯二甲酸氢钾,pH值标准:Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, pH Standard 185i 60 G

pH值标准,(设置186-Ig的+ 186-II-G):pH Standards, (set of 186-I-g + 186-II-g) 186g set

四硼酸钠(硼砂),pH值:Sodium Tetraborate (Borax), pH 187e 30 g

酒石酸氢钾,pH值:Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate, pH 188 60 g

草酸三钾二水合物pH值标准:Potassium Tetroxalate Dihydrate pH Standard 189c 65 g

pH值标准,(设置191D-I + 191D-Ⅱ):pH Standards, (set of 191d-I + 191d-II) 191d 1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g

硝酸钾:Potassium Nitrate 193 90 g

磷酸二氢铵:Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate 194a 90 g

硅铁(75%硅的HP级):Ferrosilicon (75% Si-HP Grade) 195 75 g

铬铁,低碳:Ferrochromium, Low Carbon 196 100 g

硅砖:Silica Brick 198 45 g

硅砖:Silica Brick 199 45 g

磷酸二氢钾(KH 2 PO 4):Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate, (KH2PO4) 200b 90 g

甲苯液体密度:Toluene Liquid Density 211d 4x5 mL

钨精矿:Tungsten Concentrate 277 1 bottle x 100 g

黑曜石岩:Obsidian Rock 278 35 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钼钢(ASTM A 213):LA Steel, Cr-Mo (ASTM A 213) 291 150 g

洛杉矶钢,Cr-Ni-Mo系(AISI 8620):LA Steel, Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8620) 293 150 g

铜矿磨头:Copper Ore Mill Heads 330a 1 bottle x 90 g

铜矿磨尾:Copper Ore Mill Tails 331a 40 g

钼硫化精矿:Molybdenum Sulfide Concentrate 333a 1 pouch x 60 g

灰铸铁(碳硫):Gray Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 334 150 g

白口铸铁(碳硫):White Cast Iron (Carbon & Sulfur) 338 150 g

不锈钢,铬镍硒(SAE 30):Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Se (SAE 30) 339 150 g

球墨铸铁:Ductile Cast Iron 341 150 g

球墨铸铁:Nodular Cast Iron 342a 150 g

不锈钢(AISI 431):Stainless Steel (AISI 431) 343a 150 g

医管局钢,(莫沉淀硬化):HA Steel, (Mo Precipitation Hardening) 344 150 g

阀门钢:HA Steel, (Cu Precipitation Hardening) 345a 150 g

嗨温度。合金(A286)镍铬:Valve Steel 346a 150 g

沃斯帕洛:Hi Temp. Alloy, (A286) Ni-Cr 348a 150 g

碳酸钠:Waspaloy 349a 150 g

锆(即Sn-Fe-Cr系)合金:Sodium Carbonate 351a 50 g

AISI 4340钢:Zirconium (Sn-Fe-Cr) Alloy 360b 100 g

铬钒钢(修改):AISI 4340 Steel 361 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高音C(模块):Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 363 150 g

碳钢(AISI 1211):LA Steel, High C (mod.) 364 150 g

非合金铜六(筹):Carbon Steel (AISI 1211) 368 150 g

非合金铜七(筹):Unalloyed Copper VI (chips) 399 50 g

氧化钼精矿:Unalloyed Copper VII (chips) 400 50 g

非合金铜十一(筹):Molybdenum Oxide Concentrate 423 1 pouch x 60 g

非合金铜四(固体):Unalloyed Copper XI (chips) 454 35 g

铍铜(17510):Unalloyed Copper IV (solid) 457 rod

铍铜(17200):Beryllium-Copper (17510) 458 50 g

铍铜(17300):Beryllium-Copper (17200) 459 50 g

钨钼电子探针:Beryllium-Copper (17300) 460 50 g

金银电子探针:Tungsten-Molybdenum EPMA 480 disk

金 - 铜电子探针:Gold-Silver EPMA 481 set (6)

非合金铜我(固体):Gold-Copper EPMA 482 set (6)

非合金铜二(固体):Unalloyed Copper I (solid) 494 rod

非合金铜V(固体):Unalloyed Copper II (solid) 495 rod

非合金铜六(固体):Unalloyed Copper V (solid) 498 rod

非合金铜七(固体):Unalloyed Copper VI (solid) 499 rod

铝土矿,澳大利亚达令:Unalloyed Copper VII (solid) 500 rod

钾长石:Bauxite, Australian-Darling Range 600 90 g

微量元素在玻璃元素:Potassium Feldspar 607 5 g

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 610 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 611 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 612 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 613 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 614 4\wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 615 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:Trace Elements in Glass 616 4 wafers

苏打石灰,平:Trace Elements in Glass 617 4 wafers

钠钙硅(耐久性):Soda Lime, Flat 620 set (3)

硼硅酸盐(耐久性):Soda-Lime Silica (Durability) 622 2.2 kg

铅二氧化硅,直流电阻率:Borosilicate (Durability) 623 2.2 kg

锌基一:Lead-Silica, for dc resistivity 624 200 g

锌基B:Zinc-base A 625 block

锌基Ç:Zinc-base B 626 block

锌基ð:Zinc-base C 627 block

锌基电子ASTM交流41A:Zinc-base D 628 block

锌基类的f:Zinc-base E-ASTM AC 41A 629 block

粗锌(型号):Zinc-base F 630 block

硅酸盐水泥:Zinc Spelter (mod.) 631 block

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 633a 4 vials x 5 g

硅粉线位置+线形标准的粉末衍射的:Portland Cement 634a 100 g

钛合金,锰8(A):Silicon Powder Line Position + Line Shape Std for Powder Dif 640d 7.5 g

钛合金,锰8(B):Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (A) 641 disk

钛合金,锰8(C):Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (B) 642 disk

钛合金,铝钼锡锆:Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (C) 643 disk

钛合金,铝,锡,锆,铬钼:Titanium Alloy, Al-Mo-Sn-Zr 647 50 g

钛合金,V型铝铬锡:Titanium Alloy, Al-Sn-Zr-Cr-Mo 648 50 g

非合金钛:Titanium Alloy, V-Al-Cr-Sn 649 50 g

钛的合金,Al-V:Unalloyed Titanium A 650 30 g

氮化硅粉体定量分析:Titanium Alloy, Al-V 654b disk

粒径分布标准沉降图校准:Silicon Nitride Powders for Quantitative Analysis 656 2 x 10 g

铬钒钢(修改):Particle Size Distribution Standard for Sedigraph Calibration 659 set (5)

电解铁:Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) 663 5 rods

金红石矿:Electrolytic Iron 665 5 rods

氧化镍1:Rutile Ore 670 90 g

氧化镍2:Nickel Oxide 1 671 25 g

氧化镍3:Nickel Oxide 2 672 25 g

X射线粉末衍射强度套装(定量粉末衍射标准):Nickel Oxide 3 673 25 g

线位置,云母(XRD):X-Ray Powder Diffraction Intensity Set (Quantitative Powder Diffraction Standard) 674b 10.00 g (powder)

氧化铝粉末X-射线衍射定量分析:Line Position, Mica (XRD) 675 7.5 g

砖瓦粘土:Alumina Powder for Quantitative Analysis by X-ray Diffraction 676a 20 g

高纯度锌:Brick Clay 679 75 g

锌,金属:High Purity Zinc 682 block

高纯度黄金(棒):Zinc, metal 683 block

玄武岩岩:High Purity Gold (Rod) 685r rod 15g

硅铬铁:Basalt Rock 688 60 g

铁矿石加拿大:Ferrochromium Silicon 689 100 g powder

铁氧化物,降低了:Iron Ore Canada 690 100 g

铁矿石,拉布拉多:Iron Oxide, Reduced 691 100 g

铁矿石(宁巴):Iron Ore, Labrador 692 100 g

磷矿石,西:Iron Ore (Nimba) 693 100 g

微量元素多种营养素肥料元素:Phosphate Rock, Western 694 90 g

铝土矿,苏里南:Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer 695 70 g

铝土矿,多明尼加:Bauxite, Surinam 696 60 g

铝土矿,牙买加:Bauxite, Dominican 697 60 g

氧化铝(减少级):Bauxite, Jamaican 698 60 g

聚苯乙烯:Alumina (Reduction Grade) 699 60 g

聚苯乙烯:Polystyrene 705a 5 g

额外的密集铅玻璃:Polystyrene 706a 18 g

高硼玻璃粘度:Extra Dense Lead Glass 709 500 g

蓝宝石热容:Hi Boron Glass Viscosity 717a 450 g

三酸量滴定:Sapphire Heat Capacity 720 15 g

硒,跨纯度:Tris Acidimetric 723e 50 g

锌,中级纯度:Selenium, Inter-Purity 726 450 g

硼硅酸盐玻璃 - 热膨胀:Zinc, Intermediate Purity 728 450 g

硼硅酸盐玻璃 - 热膨胀:Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 731l1 5 cm

硼硅酸盐玻璃 - 热膨胀:Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 731l2 10 cm

不锈钢 - 热膨胀:Borosilicate Glass - Thermal Expansion 731l3 15 cm

锌(冰点):Stainless Steel - Thermal Expansion 738 51 x 6.4 mm

锡(冰点):Zinc (Freezing Point) 740a 200 g

氧化铝(参考点):Tin (Freezing Point) 741a 200 g

磁矩标准镍磁盘:Alumina (Reference Point) 742 10 g

磁化率标准 - 白金缸:Magnetic Moment Standard Nickel Disk 762 6 mm dia

镍球的磁矩:Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder 764a 3 mm dia. x 3.42 L

钠钙硅(玻璃液相):Nickel Sphere for Magnetic Moment 772a each

铅二氧化硅(介电常数):Soda-Lime-Silica (Glass Liquidus) 773 7-2.5cm sq x 0.6cm, ~65g

钼(热容量):Lead-Silica (Dielectric Constant) 774 block

铝合金3004:Molybdenum (Heat Capacity) 781d2 10 cm

铝合金5182:Aluminum Alloy 3004 853a 40 g

铸造铝合金356:Aluminum Alloy 5182 854a 40 g chip

铸造铝合金380:Aluminum Casting Alloy 356 855a 30 g

铝合金6011:Aluminum Casting Alloy 380 856a 30 g

镍基高温合金:Aluminum Alloy 6011 858 35 g

高温。合金L605:Nickel-based Superalloy 861 50 g

铬镍铁合金600:High Temp. Alloy L605 862 100 g

铬镍铁合金625:Inconel 600 864 100 g

耐热镍铬铁合金,800:Inconel 625 865 150 g

耐热镍铬铁合金,825:Incoloy, 800 866 100 g

高温。合金的Fe-Ni-钴:Incoloy, 825 867 100 g

色谱柱选择性测试混合物的液相色谱:High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co 868 100 g

液相色谱的柱性能测试混合物:Column selecivity Test Mixture for Liquid Chromatography 869b 5 x 1.1 mL

青铜,磷铜(CDA 521):Column Performance Test Mixture of Liquid Chromatography 870 5 x 1.1 mL

青铜,磷铜(CDA 544):Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 521) 871 100 g

铜镍合金,10%(CDA 706):Bronze, Phosphor (CDA 544) 872 100 g

铜镍合金,10%(CDA 706):Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 874 100 g

镍银,(CDA 762):Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) 875 100 g

镍银,(CDA 770):Nickel Silver, (CDA 762) 879 100 g

合金镍 - 铜 - 铝:Nickel Silver, (CDA 770) 880 100 g

精炼铜:Alloy Ni-Cu-Al 882 100 g

黄金,矿石耐火材料:Refined Copper 885 200 g

硬质合金(W-83,共10):Gold, Ore Refractory 886 200 g

硬质合金(W-64,钴25,大安5):Cemented Carbide (W-83,Co-10) 887 100 g

硬质合金(W-75,钴-9,钽5,钛4):Cemented Carbide (W-64,Co-25,Ta-5) 888 100 g

铸铁,HC250 + V:Cemented Carbide (W-75,Co-9,Ta-5,Ti-4) 889 100 g

铸铁,镍硬,I型:Cast Iron, HC250+V 890 150 g

铸铁,镍硬,IV型:Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type I 891 150 g

不锈钢(SAE 405):Cast Iron, Ni-Hard, Type IV 892 150 g

不锈钢(SAE 201):Stainless Steel (SAE 405) 893 150 g

Tracealloy一个:Tracealloy A 897 35 g

TracealloyÇ:Tracealloy C 899 35 g

在冰冻人血清中抗癫痫药:Antiepilepsy Drugs in Frozen Human Serum 900a 4 vials

人血清:Human Serum 909c 3 bottles x 2 mL each

胆固醇:Cholesterol 911c 2 g

尿素临床:Urea-Clinical 912a 25 g

尿酸:Uric Acid 913b 10 g

肌酐:Creatinine 914a 10 g

碳酸钙(临床标准):Calcium Carbonate (Clinical Standard) 915b 20 g

D-葡萄糖(葡萄糖):D-Glucose (Dextrose) 917c 50 g

氯化钾(临床):Potassium Chloride (Clinical) 918b 30 g

氯化钠(临床):Sodium Chloride (Clinical) 919b 30 g

D-甘露醇:D-Mannitol 920 50 g

皮质醇(氢化可的松):Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) 921 1 g

碳酸锂(临床):Lithium Carbonate (Clinical) 924a 30 g

VMA(临床):VMA (Clinical) 925 1 g

牛血清白蛋白(7%溶液):Bovine Serum Albumin (7%, solution) 927e 10 ampoules x 2.2mL each

硝酸铅(临床):Lead Nitrate (Clinical) 928 30 g

葡萄糖酸镁:Magnesium Gluconate 929a 5 g

重铬酸钾,紫外吸收标准:Potassium Dichromate, UV Absorbance Standard 935a 15 g

铁金属(临床):Iron metal (Clinical) 937 50 g

硼酸同位素标准:Boric Acid Isotopic Standard 951a 10 g

中子密度监视器线材:Neutron Density Monitor Wire 953 1 m

在山羊血有毒金属:Toxic metals in Caprine Blood 955c 4 vials

葡萄糖在冰冻人血清:Glucose in Frozen Human Serum 965b set (8) (2 each conc)

肌酐在冰冻人血清:Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum 967a set(4) (2 each conc)

脂肪溶胶维生素,胡萝卜素,以及胆固醇在人血清:Fat-Sol Vitamins, Carotenoids, and Cholesterol in Human Serum 968e set (3) (1 each conc.)

抗坏血酸在冰冻人血清:Ascorbic Acid in Frozen Human Serum 970 set (4) (2 each conc)

在冰冻人血清激素:Hormones in Frozen Human Serum 971 2 x 5 mL

维生素D代谢产物在冷冻人血清:Vitamin D metabolites in Frozen Human Serum 972a 4 vials x 1mL

硼酸的酸碱滴定标准:Boric Acid Acidimetric Standard 973 100 g

氯同位素标准:Chlorine Isotopic Standard 975a 0.25 g

溴同位素标准:Bromine Isotopic Standard 977 0.25 g

银同位素标准:Silver Isotopic Standard 978a 0.25 g

铬同位素标准:Chromium Isotopic Standard 979 0.25 g

镁同位素标准:Magnesium Isotopic Standard 980 0.25 g

常见的铅同位素标准:Common Lead Isotopic Standard 981 1 g wire

等于原子中铅同位素标准:Equal-Atom Lead Isotopic Standard 982 1 g wire

放射成因铅同位素标准:Radiogenic Lead Isotopic Standard 983 1 g wire

铷同位素测定标准:Rubidium Assay Isotopic Standard 984 0.25 g

镍同位素标准:Nickel Isotopic Standard 986 0.5 g

碳酸盐锶同位素标准:Strontium Carbonate Isotopic Standard 987 1 g

镓同位素标准:Gallium Isotopic Standard 994 0.25 g

血管紧张素I(人类):Angiotensin I (Human) 998 0.5 mg

玻璃珠 - 粒径分布:Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 1003c 28 g

玻璃珠 - 粒径分布:Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution 1004b 43 g

烟密度室标准:Smoke Density Chamber Standard 1007b set (3)

显微术分辨率测试图:Microcopy Resolution Test Charts 1010a set (5)

地板辐射板:Flooring Radiant Panel 1012 set (3)

玻璃(粒度):Glass (Particle Size) 1017b 70 g

玻璃(粒度):Glass (Particle Size) 1018b 87 g

玻璃(粒度):Glass (Particle Size) 1019b 200 g

玻璃(粒度):Glass ( Particle Size) 1021 4 g

非合金铜:Unalloyed Copper 1034 rod

有铅,锡青铜合金:Leaded-Tin Bronze Alloy 1035 50 g

烟雾毒性(杯炉):Smoke Toxicity (Cup Furnace) 1048 8 sheets

烟雾毒性(匹兹堡大学):Smoke Toxicity (University of Pittsburgh) 1049 150 g

环己酸钡(金属有机):Barium Cyclohexanebutyrate (metallo-Organic) 1051b 5 g

双(1 - 苯基-1,3 - butanediono)氧钒(IV)的:Bis(1-phenyl-1,3-butanediono)oxovanadium(IV) 1052b 5 g

环己镉(金属有机):Cadmium Cyclohexanebutyrate (metallo-Organic) 1053a 5 g

锡(金属有机):Tin (metallo-Organic) 1057b 5 g

镍(金属有机):Nickel (metallo-Organic) 1065b 5 g

硅(金属有机):Silicon (metallo-Organic) 1066a 5 g

钠(金属有机):Sodium (metallo-Organic) 1069b 5 g

铝(金属有机):Aluminum (metallo-Organic) 1075a 5 g

银(金属有机):Silver (metallo-Organic) 1077a 5 g

铬(金属有机):Chromium (metallo-Organic) 1078b 5 g

铁(金属有机):Iron (metallo-Organic) 1079b 5 g

铜(金属有机):Copper (metallo-Organic) 1080a 5 g

香烟点火强度的标准:Cigarette Ignition Strength Standard 1082 1 carton (200 cigarettes)

磨损金属(基础油):Wear metals (base Oil) 1083 150 mL

钢套装(包括SRM的1095,1096,1097,1098和1099):Steels, Set (consists of SRMs 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098 and 1099) 1089 5 rods

锭铁,氧:Ingot Iron, Oxygen 1090 rod

不锈钢(AISI 431):Stainless Steel (AISI 431) 1091a rod

阀门钢,氧气:Valve Steel, Oxygen 1093 rod

马氏体时效钢:Maraging Steel 1094 rod

海军黄铜乙:Naval Brass B 1107 disk

红黄铜乙:Red Brass B 1110 disk

红黄铜Ç:Red Brass C 1111 disk

镀金金属A(磁盘):Gilding metal A (disk) 1112 disk

镀金金属B(磁盘):Gilding metal B (disk) 1113 disk

镀金金属C(盘):Gilding metal C (disk) 1114 disk

商业青铜甲(磁盘):Commercial Bronze A (disk) 1115 disk

商业青铜B(磁盘):Commercial Bronze B (disk) 1116 disk

商业青铜C(盘):Commercial Bronze C (disk) 1117 disk

易切削黄铜(UNS C36000):Free Cutting Brass (UNS C36000) 1124 1 disk

钛合金,V型铝铬锡:Ti Alloy, V-Al-Cr-Sn 1128 disk

焊接(63Sn-37Pb):Solder (63Sn-37Pb) 1129 200 g

焊接(60PB-40Sn):Solder (60Pb-40Sn) 1131 disk

轴承金属(铅 - 锡):Bearing metal (Pb-Sn) 1132 disk

洛杉矶钢,高硅:LA Steel, High Silicon 1134 disk

洛杉矶钢,高硅:LA Steel, High Silicon 1135 disk

铸钢(第1号):Cast Steel (No. 1) 1138a disk

铸钢(第2号):Cast Steel (No. 2) 1139a disk

不锈钢(铬18镍12钼2):Stainless Steel (Cr 18 Ni 12, Mo 2) 1155a disk

特殊钢,工具(AISI M2):Specialty Steel, Tool (AISI M2) 1157 disk

高镍钢(36%镍):High-Nickel Steel (36% Ni) 1158 disk

ELEC /弹匣镍铁:Elec/Mag Ni-Fe 1159 disk

ELEC /弹匣镍钼铁:Elec/Mag Ni-Mo-Fe 1160 disk

不锈钢铬17镍11钛0.3(AISI 321):Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Ti 0.3 (AISI 321) 1171 disk

不锈钢铬17镍11铌0.6(AISI 348):Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Nb 0.6 (AISI 348) 1172 disk

镍铬钼钒钢材质:Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel 1173 disk

标准卷烟的点火电阻测试:Standard Cigarette for Ignition Resistance Testing 1196 2 cartons(400 cigarettes)

碳改性二氧化硅:Carbon Modified Silica 1216 3 x 1g

洛杉矶钢,高硅:LA Steel, High Silicon 1218 disk

不锈钢Cr-Ni系(AISI 431):Stainless Steel Cr-Ni (AISI 431) 1219 disk

铬钢:Chromium Steel 1223 disk

洛杉矶钢,碳素(AISI 1078):LA Steel, Carbon (AISI 1078) 1224 disk

洛杉矶钢(AISI 4130):LA Steel (AISI 4130) 1225 disk

洛杉矶钢:LA Steel 1226 disk

洛杉矶钢铁,基本平炉炼钢,1%C:LA Steel, Basic Open Hearth, 1% C 1227 disk

洛杉矶钢,0.1%C:LA Steel, 0.1% C 1228 disk

高温。铝合金,A286:High Temp. Alloy, A286 1230 disk

铝合金3004:Aluminum Alloy 3004 1240c disk

铝合金5182:Aluminum Alloy 5182 1241c disk

高温。合金L-605:High Temp. Alloy L-605 1242 disk

镍铬 - 钴合金UNS N07001(磁盘格式):Ni-Cr-Co Alloy UNS N07001 (disk form) 1243 disk

铬镍铁合金600:Inconel 600 1244 disk

热镍铬铁合金®800:Incoloy® 800 1246 disk

耐热镍铬铁合金®825:Incoloy® 825 1247 disk

镍基高温合金:Nickel-based Superalloy 1249 disk

高温。合金的Fe-Ni-钴:High Temp. Alloy Fe-Ni-Co 1250 disk

铝合金356:Aluminum Alloy 356 1255b disk

铝合金380:Aluminum Alloy 380 1256b disk

铝合金6011:Aluminum Alloy 6011 1258-I disk

铝合金7075:Aluminum Alloy 7075 1259 disk

洛杉矶钢,高碳钢(模块):LA Steel, High Carbon (mod.) 1264a disk

电解铁:Electrolytic Iron 1265a disk

管线管(AISI 1526 MOD。):Line Pipe (AISI 1526 mod.) 1269 disk

洛杉矶钢,铬钼钢(A336)(F-22):LA Steel, Cr-Mo (A336) (F-22) 1270 disk

洛杉矶钢(HSLA-100):LA Steel (HSLA-100) 1271 disk

铜镍合金(CDA 715):Cupro-Nickel (CDA 715) 1276a disk

低合金钢(HY 80):Low Alloy Steel (HY 80) 1286 disk

不锈钢(SAE 405):Stainless Steel (SAE 405) 1295 disk

不锈钢(SAE 201):Stainless Steel (SAE 201) 1297 disk

涂层厚度标准,(对钢无磁涂层):Coating Thickness Standard, (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 1358b set (5)

涂层厚度的标准(上钢无磁涂层):Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 1359b set (5)

涂层厚度标准(钢无磁涂层:Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 1361b set (5)

涂层厚度标准(钢无磁涂层:Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 1362b set (5)

涂层厚度的标准(上钢无磁涂层):Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) 1363b set (5)

涂层厚度标准(钢无磁涂层:Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel 1364b set (5)

骨灰:Bone Ash 1400 50 g

软硼硅玻璃:Soft Borosilicate Glass 1411 set (10)

玻璃砂(高铝):Glass Sand (High Alumina) 1413 75 g

铝硅酸盐玻璃的液相线温度:Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature 1416 250 g

热电阻 - 气相二氧化硅局:Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board 1449 each

热导率,纤维玻璃董事会:Thermal Conductivity, Fibrous Glass Board 1450d each

热电阻 - 玻璃纤维地毯高精密型测量:Thermal Resistance - Fibrous Glass Blanket for High Precison Measurements 1452 each

导热性 - 发泡聚苯乙烯板:Thermal Conductivity - Expanded Polystyrene Board 1453 each

超导铌钛线:Superconducting Nb-Ti Wire 1457 each

热电阻 - 气相二氧化硅局:Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board 1459 each

聚乙烯树脂:Polyethylene Resin 1474a 60 g

支聚乙烯树脂:Branched Polyethylene Resin 1476a 12 g

聚苯乙烯,窄按国家。重量。:Polystyrene, Narrow Mol. Wt. 1478 2 g

聚苯乙烯,窄按国家。重量。:Polystyrene, Narrow Mol. Wt. 1479 2 g

聚乙烯,线性:Polyethylene, Linear 1484a 0.3 g

骨粉:Bone Meal 1486 50 g

聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯):Poly (methyl methacrylate) 1487 2 g

聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯):Poly (methyl methacrylate) 1488 2 g

聚(甲基丙烯酸甲酯):Poly (methyl methacrylate) 1489 2 g

甲基取代多环芳烃在甲苯:Methyl-Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Toluene 1491a 5 x 1.2 mL

有机氯农药/己烷:Chlorinated Pesticides/Hexane 1492 5 x 1.2 mL

多氯联苯同系物:PCB Congeners 1493 5 x 1.2 mL

脂肪烃:Aliphatic Hydrocarbons 1494 5 x 1.2 mL

聚乙烯燃气管材专用料:Polyethylene Gas Pipe Resin 1496 0.9 kg

THC-COOH冻干尿:THC-COOH in Freeze-Dried Urine 1507b set (3)

苯甲酰(可卡因代谢物)的冻干尿:Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine metabolite) in Freeze-dried Urine 1508a set (4)

热分析纯度集(DSC):Thermal Analysis Purity Set (DSC) 1514 set (4)

苹果叶片:Apple Leaves 1515 50 g

GC / MS系统性能:GC/MS System Performance 1543 4 x 1 mL

脂肪酸/胆固醇在冰冻饮食复合:Fatty Acids/Cholesterol in Frozen Diet Composite 1544 4x15 g

肉匀浆:Meat Homogenate 1546a 4 cans x 85 g

桃叶片:Peach Leaves 1547 50 g

典型的饮食:Typical Diet 1548a set (2)

全脂奶粉:Whole Milk Powder 1549a 5 pouches x 10 g each

牡蛎组织:Oyster Tissue 1566b 25 g

面粉:Wheat Flour 1567b 1 bottle x 50 g

米粉:Rice Flour 1568b 1 bottle x 50 g

追踪菠菜叶中元素:Trace Elements in Spinach Leaves 1570a 60 g

番茄叶片:Tomato Leaves 1573a 50 g

微量元素在松针元素:Trace Elements in Pine Needles 1575a 50 g powder

牛肝:Bovine Liver 1577c 20 g

在页岩油的有机物:Organics in Shale Oil 1580 5 x 1.2 mL

在甲醇优先污染物苯酚:Priority Pollutant Phenols in Methanol 1584 5 x 1.2 mL

同位素标记污染物:Isotope Label Pollutants 1586 6 x 2 mL

三棕榈酸甘油酯:Tripalmitin 1595 2 g

Dinitropyrene异构体和1 - 硝基芘的二氯甲烷:Dinitropyrene Isomers and 1-Nitropyrene in Methylene Chloride 1596 5 x 1.3 mL

多环芳烃煤焦油的复杂混合物:Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Coal Tar 1597a 1 x 1.3 mL

在动物血清中无机成分:Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum 1598a 2 vials

2抗惊厥药物:2 Anticonvulsant Drugs 1599 set (4)

二恶英在异辛烷:Dioxin in Isooctane 1614 6 x 1.2 mL

硫在煤油(低电平):Sulfur in Kerosene (Low Level) 1616b 100 mL

硫残留燃料油(0.7%):Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (0.7%) 1619b 100 mL

硫残留燃料油(4%):Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (4%) 1620c 100 mL

硫残留燃料油(1%):Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (1%) 1621e 100 mL

硫残留燃料油(2%):Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (2 %) 1622e 100 mL

硫在柴油燃料油,0.4%:Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil, 0.4% 1624d 100 mL

微量元素在煤的元素,(沥青):Trace Elements in Coal, (Bituminous) 1632d 50 g

在跟踪粉煤灰元素:Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash 1633c 75 g

微量元素燃料油元素:Trace Elements in Fuel Oil 1634c 100 mL

微量元素在煤的元素,(Subbitumimous):Trace Elements in Coal, (Subbitumimous) 1635a 50 g

卤烃(甲醇):Halocarbons (in Methanol) 1639 5 x 1.2 mL

微量元素天然水元素:Trace Elements in Natural Water 1640a 1 bottle x 250 mL

水星在水:Mercury In Water 1641d 1010 mL

河口泥沙:Estuarine Sediment 1646a 70 g

优先污染物多环芳烃(在乙腈):Priority Pollutant PAHs (in Acetonitrile) 1647e set (5)

城市颗粒物:Urban Particulate Matter 1648a 2 g

城市灰尘:Urban Dust 1649b 2 g

柴油机颗粒物:Diesel Particulate Matter 1650b 200 mg

氯化钾,氯化钾(CR)的溶液量热计:Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry 1655 30 g

蒽燃烧量热仪:Thianthrene Combustion Calorimetry 1656 30 g

合成的垃圾衍生燃料:Synthetic Refuse-Derived Fuel 1657 100 g

甲烷在空气中(金额 - 物质的标称分数1微摩尔/摩尔):Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 umol/mol) 1658a cylinder

甲烷在空气中(金额 - 物质的标称分数10微摩尔/摩尔):Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 umol/mol) 1659a cylinder

甲烷和丙烷在空气(标称:甲烷4微摩尔/摩尔;丙烷1微摩尔/摩尔):Methane and Propane in Air (Nominal: Methane 4 µmol/mol; Propane 1 µmol/mol) 1660a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数500微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) 1661a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数1000微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) 1662a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数1500微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) 1663a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数2500微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) 1664a cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数10微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) 1666b cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数50微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) 1667b cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数100微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) 1668b cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数500微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) 1669b cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数7%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 7 % mol/mol) 1674b cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数10微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) 1677c cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数50微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) 1678c cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数500微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) 1680b cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数1000微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) 1681b cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数50微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) 1683b cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数100微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) 1684b cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数500微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) 1686b cylinder

一氧化氮氮(面额 - 物质的分数1000微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) 1687b cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数5微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5 μmol/mol) 1689 cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数50微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) 1693a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数100微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) 1694a cylinder

氮中二氧化硫(金额 - 物质的标称分数3500微摩尔/摩尔):Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3500 µmol/mol) 1696a cylinder

铝合金3004:Aluminum Alloy 3004 1710 disk

铝合金3004:Aluminum Alloy 3004 1711 disk

铝合金3004:Aluminum Alloy 3004 1712 disk

铝合金5182:Aluminum Alloy 5182 1713 disk

铝合金5182:Aluminum Alloy 5182 1714 disk

铝合金5182:Aluminum Alloy 5182 1715 disk

阳极锡:Anode Tin 1727 block

锡合金(锡3CU-0.5Ag):Tin Alloy (Sn-3Cu-0.5Ag) 1728 1 disc

锡合金(97Sn-3PB):Tin Alloy (97Sn-3Pb) 1729 1 disc

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1736 disk

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1738 disk

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1739 disk

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1740 disk

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1741 disk

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 1742 disk

铟(冰点):Indium (Freezing Point) 1745 200 g

银(冰点):Silver (Freezing Point) 1746 300 g

锡凝固点细胞:Tin Freezing Point Cell 1747 each

锌凝固点细胞:Zinc Freezing Point Cell 1748 each

黄金与铂热电偶温度计:Gold vs. Platinum Thermocouple Thermometer 1749 each

标准铂电阻温度计:Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer 1750 each

镓熔点:Gallium Melting-Point 1751 200 g

钢(AISI 4320):Steel (AISI 4320) 1754 rod

在氮低合金钢:Nitrogen in Low Alloy Steel 1755 disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1761a disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1762a disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1763a disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1764a disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1765 disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1766 disk

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 1767 disk

高纯度铁:High-Purity Iron 1768 disk

工具钢(S-7):Tool Steel (S-7) 1772 disk

MP 35N耐火合金:MP 35N Refractory Alloy 1775 disk

十八非甲烷碳氢化合物的氮(标称5纳摩尔/摩尔):Eighteen Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Compounds in Nitrogen (Nominal 5 nmol/mol) 1800b 6 L Water Volume Cyl

牛卡纸:Linerboard 1810a 50 each

正庚烷(燃油评价):n-Heptane (Fuel Rating) 1815a 100 mL

异辛烷(燃料评分):Isooctane (Fuel Rating) 1816a 100 mL

氯在卢巴。原油:Chlorine in Lub. base Oil 1818a set (5)

硫在卢巴。原油:Sulfur in Lub. base Oil 1819a set (5)

乙醇 - 水解决方案:Ethanol-Water Solutions 1828b 6 x 1.2 mL

参考醇类燃料:Alcohols in Reference Fuels 1829 set (6)

碱石灰浮法玻璃:Soda Lime Float Glass 1830 3 platelets

碱石灰玻璃表:Soda Lime Sheet Glass 1831 3 platelets

熔融矿石(玻璃):Fused Ore (Glass) 1834 disk

硼酸盐矿石:Borate Ore 1835 60 g

甲醇和丁醇(汽油):Methanol and Butanol (in Gasoline) 1837 5 x 20 mL

乙醇(汽油):Ethanol (in Gasoline) 1838 5 x 20 mL

甲醇(汽油):Methanol (in Gasoline) 1839 5 x 20 mL

乙醇 - 水解决方案:Ethanol-Water Solutions 1847 6 x 10 mL

润滑油添加剂包装:Lubricating Oil Additive Package 1848 100 g

婴儿/成人营养配方:Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula 1849a 10 packets x 10 g each

工具钢的磨料磨损:Tool Steel for Abrasive Wear 1857 2 blocks

氧化铍粉:Beryllium Oxide Powder 1877 20 g

可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite 1879a 5 g

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 1880b 4 vials x 5 g

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 1881a 4 vials x 5g

铝酸钙水泥:Calcium Aluminate Cement 1882a 4x5 g

铝酸钙水泥:Calcium Aluminate Cement 1883a 4x5 g

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 1884b 5 vials x 4.5 g

硅酸盐水泥(白色硅酸盐水泥低铁):Portland Cement (White Portland Cement with Low Iron) 1886a 4 vials x 5 g

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 1887b 5 vials x 4 g each

硅酸盐水泥:Portland Cement 1888b 4 vials x 5 g

硅酸盐水泥(混有石灰石):Portland Cement (Blended with Limestone) 1889a 4 vials x 5 g

铜显微硬度试块(努):Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 1893 each

铜的显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Copper 1894a each

镍显微硬度试块(努):Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 1895 each

镍的维氏显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 1896b each

二氧化钛纳米材料:Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial 1898 15 g

比表面积标准:Specific Surface Area Standard 1900 4 g

镍显微硬度试块(努) :Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)  1905 each

镍显微硬度试块(努):Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) 1906 each

镍显微硬度试块(努):Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop)  1907 each

镍的维氏显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 1908 each

镍的维氏显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 1909 each

压汞法标准:Mercury Porosimetry Standard 1917 10 g

压汞仪入侵标准:Mercury Porosimeter Intrusion Standard 1918 12 g

红外传输波长(聚苯乙烯薄膜):IR Transmission Wavelength (Polystyrene Film) 1921b 1 card

液体的折射率 - 矿物油:Liquid Refractive Index - Mineral Oil 1922 30 mL

荧光解决方案:Fluorescein Solution 1932 3 x 2 ML

重铬酸钾溶液/紫外吸收标准:Potassium Dichromate Solution/UV Absorbance Standard 1935a set (10)

在河流沉积物一多氯联苯:PCBs in River Sediment A 1939a 50 g

海洋沉积物有机物:Organics in Marine Sediment 1941b 50 g

纽约/新泽西航道泥沙:New York/New Jersey Waterway Sediment 1944 50 g

在鲸脂的有机物:Organics in Whale Blubber 1945 2x15 g

苏必利尔湖鱼组织:Lake Superior Fish Tissue 1946 5 x 7-9 grams

密歇根湖鱼组织:Lake Michigan Fish Tissue 1947 5 x 8 grams

人血浆中代谢产物:metabolites in Human Plasma 1950 5 vials @ 1.0 mL each

在冷冻人,血脂:Lipids in Frozen Human, Serum 1951c 4 vials (2 each conc)

胆固醇在人血清:Cholesterol in Human Serum 1952a set (6) (2 each conc)

在非强化人乳有机污染物:Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Milk 1953 5 vials x 5 mL

在强化母乳中有机污染物:Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Milk 1954 5 vials x 5 mL

同型半胱氨酸和叶酸的冰冻人血清:Homocysteine and Folate in Frozen Human Serum 1955 set (3) (1 each conc)

在非强化人血清有机污染物:Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum 1957 5 vials x 10 mL

在强化人血清有机污染物:Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Serum 1958 5 vials x 10 mL

虐待冰冻人血清药物:Drugs of Abuse in Frozen Human Serum 1959 2 vials x 5 mL

聚苯乙烯球(30微米直径颗粒大小):Polystyrene Spheres (30 µm Diameter Particle Size) 1961 5 mL

公称直径100纳米的聚苯乙烯球:Nominal 100 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 1963a 5 mL

公称直径60纳米的聚苯乙烯球:Nominal 60 nm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres 1964 5 mL

聚苯乙烯球(上滑)(10微米粒径):Polystyrene Spheres (on Slide) (10 µm Particle Size) 1965 slide

镓熔点:Gallium Melting Point 1968 each

铷三相点:Rubidium Triple Point 1969 each

丁二三相点:Succinonitrile Triple Point 1970 each

铟冰点:Indium Freezing-Point 1971 each

1,3 - 二氧戊环-2 - 酮三相点:1,3-Dioxolan-2-one Triple Point 1972 60 g

在贻贝组织的有机物,(贻贝):Organics in Mussel Tissue, (Mytilus edulis) 1974c 5 jars x 10 g

柴油微粒提取物:Diesel Particulate Extract 1975 4x1.2 mL

仪器响应为标准,X射线粉末衍射:Instrument Response Std for, X-Ray Powder Diffraction 1976b 1 disc

氧化锆(粒径):Zirconium Oxide (Particle Size) 1978 5 g

积极的电泳迁移率:Positive Electrophoretic Mobility 1980 500 mg/L

氧化锆热喷涂粉末:Zirconia Thermal Spray Powder 1982 10 g

热喷涂粉末 - 粒径分布的碳化钨/钴(针状):Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Acicular) 1984 14 g

热喷涂粉末 - 粒径分布的碳化钨/钴(球状):Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Spheroidal) 1985 14 g

晶格参数/单,水晶(红宝石球):Lattice Parameter/Single, Crystal (Ruby Spheres) 1990 3 spheres

混煤沥青/石油醚提取物在二氯甲烷:Mix Coal Tar/Petroleum Extract in Methylene Chloride 1991 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL

标准的单晶硅晶片的结晶取向:Standard Silicon Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation 1994 100-mm wafer

标准的蓝宝石单晶片的结晶取向:Standard Sapphire Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation 1995 50-mm wafer

校准标准的高分辨率X射线衍射:Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction 2000 1 block

校准标准的高分辨X射线衍射:Calibration Standard for High Resolution X Ray Diffraction 2012 wafer

金属对熔融石英中性密度滤光片(波长250nm-635nm的):metal-on-Fused-Silica Neutral Density Filters (250nm-635nm) 2031b set (3)

紫外 - 可见 - 近红外波长/波数传输标准:Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard 2035a each

近红外波长/反射波数:Near-IR Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection 2036 each

溶剂红24柴油染料:Solvent Red 24 Diesel Fuel Dye 2037 100 mg powder

钛合金,铝铌-W:Ti Alloy, Al-Nb-W 2061 cube

K-411玻璃微球:K-411 Glass Microspheres 2066 50 mg

正弦粗糙度:Sinusoidal Roughness 2073a each

正弦粗糙度:Sinusoidal Roughness 2074 each

正弦粗糙度:Sinusoidal Roughness 2075 each

维标准医疗计算机断层扫描:Dimensional Standard for Medical Computed Tomography 2087 each

密度标准医学计算机断层扫描:Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomography 2088 five foam blocks

低能夏比V型缺口冲击试样(NIST的验证):Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 2092 set

低能夏比V型缺口冲击试样(自我验证):Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification) 2093 5 bars

高能夏比V型缺口冲击试样(NIST的验证):High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 2096 set

高能夏比V型缺口冲击试样(自我验证):High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification) 2097 5 bars

陶瓷断裂韧性:Fracture Toughness of Ceramic 2100 5 bars

动态冲击力Verific标本(标称24KN):Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) 2112 set of four

动态冲击力Verific,样品(标称33kN):Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) 2113 set of four

低能悬臂梁冲击试样(NIST的验证):Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) 2115 set

磷植入硅深度剖析:Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile 2133 each

砷在硅:Arsenic in Silicon 2134 each

镍铬薄膜厚度简介:Ni-Cr Thin Film Depth Profile 2135c each

乙植入硅深度剖析:B Implant in Si Depth Profile 2137 each

锌铝合金:Zinc-Aluminum Alloy 2139 100 g

尿素:Urea 2141 2 g

对氟苯甲酸:p-Fluorobenzoic Acid 2143 2 g

间氯苯甲酸:m-Chlorobenzoic Acid 2144 2 g

烟酸(燃烧量热标准):Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) 2151 25 g

尿素(燃烧量热标准):Urea (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) 2152 25 g

洛杉矶钢,碳硫只:LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only 2159 200 g

洛杉矶钢,碳硫只:LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only 2160 200 g

低合金钢:Low Alloy Steel 2165 150 g

洛杉矶钢,F:LA Steel, F 2166 150 g

洛杉矶钢,G:LA Steel, G 2167 150 g

高纯度铁:High Purity Iron 2168 150 g

洛杉矶钢(HSLA 100):LA Steel, (HSLA 100) 2171 150 g

S-7工具钢:S-7 Tool Steel 2172 150 g

MP 35N耐火合金:MP 35N Refractory Alloy 2175 150 g

HEPES游离酸:HEPES Free Acid 2181 60 g

NaHEPESate:NaHEPESate 2182 60 g

MOPSO游离酸:MOPSO Free Acid 2183 50 g

NaMOPSOate:NaMOPSOate 2184 50 g

锅。邻苯二甲酸氢:Pot. Hydrogen Phthalate 2185 60 g

磷酸二氢钾:Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate 2186I 30 g

磷酸氢二钠:Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate 2186II 30 g

小苏打:Sodium Bicarbonate 2191a 30 g

碳酸钠:Sodium Carbonate 2192a 30 g

碳酸钙pH值标准:Calcium Carbonate pH Standard 2193a 30 g

氯化钠(离子选择性):Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective) 2201 125 g

氟化钾(离子选择电极):Potassium Fluoride (Ion-Selective Electrodes) 2203 125 g

可控孔径玻璃 - BET比表面积(300奈米):Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300nm) 2206 5 g

可控孔径玻璃 - BET比表面积(18奈米):Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (18nm) 2207 5 g

异辛烷液体密度:Isooctane Liquid Density 2214 4x5 mL

小型化低能量简支梁,V型缺口KLST冲击试样:Miniaturized Low Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen 2216 set of three

小型化高能量简支梁,V型缺口KLST冲击试样:Miniaturized Hi Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen 2218 set of three

超小型化高能,简支梁VNotch KLST冲击规格:Miniaturized Super High Energy, Charpy VNotch KLST Impact Spec 2219 set of three

水星(差示扫描量热仪):Mercury (Differential Scanning Calorimeters) 2225 2.5 g

铟的DSC校准标准 - 温度和熔融焓:Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion 2232 1 g

镓的热分析:Gallium for Thermal Analysis 2234 approximately 2 g

铋的热分析:Bismuth for Thermal Analysis 2235 1.5 g

相对强度修正标准拉曼光谱:785 nm激发:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation 2241 each

相对强度修正标准拉曼光谱:532 nm激发:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation 2242 each

相对强度修正标准拉曼光谱:1064nm激发:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 1064 nm Excitation 2244 each

相对强度修正标准拉曼光谱:633 nm激发:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation 2245 each

相对强度修正标准拉曼光谱:830 nm激发:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation 2246 each

在2,2,4 - 三甲基PBDE同系物:PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2257 5 x 1.2 mL

BDE 209中2,2,4 - 三甲基:BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2258 5 x 1.2 mL

多氯联苯同系物中2,2,4 - 三甲基:PCB Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2259 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL

芳烃中甲苯:Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene 2260a 5 x 1.2 mL

正己烷中有机氯农药:Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane 2261 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化联苯Cogeners在异辛烷:Chlorinated Biphenyl Cogeners in Isooctane 2262 5 x 1.2 mL

硝基芳烃在二氯甲烷我:Nitrated Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Methylene Chloride I 2264 5 x 1.2 mL

硝化多环芳烃Hyrocarbons在苯基二氯化二:Nitrated Polycyclic Hyrocarbons in Methylene Chloride II 2265 5 x 1.2 mL

藿烷和甾中,2,2,4三甲基:Hopanes and Steranes in, 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane 2266 5 x 1.2 mL

氘代左旋葡聚糖在乙酸乙酯:Deuterated Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate 2267 5 x 1.2 mL

碳13标记的左旋葡聚糖在乙酸乙酯:Carbon-13 Labeled Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate 2268 5 x 1.2 mL

全氘代多环芳烃我在正己烷/甲苯溶液:Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene 2269 5x1.2 mL

在正己烷/全氘代甲苯PAH-II解决方案:Perdeuterated PAH-II Solution in Hexane/Toluene 2270 5x1.2 mL

有机氯农药(滴滴涕)及其代谢物在异辛烷:Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and metabolites in Isooctane 2273 5x1.2 mL

PCB同类解决方案-II在异辛烷:PCB Congener Solution-II in Isooctane 2274 5x1.2 mL

氯化农药解决方案-II在异辛烷:Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane 2275 5x1.2 mL

在异辛烷三个平面多氯联苯(PCB)同系物:Three Planar Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Congeners in Isooctane 2276 5x1.2 mL

在二氯甲烷纵火测试混合物:Arson Test Mixture in Methylene Chloride 2285 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇(汽油):Ethanol (in Gasoline) 2286 set (3)

乙醇(汽油):Ethanol (in Gasoline) 2287 set (3)

叔戊基甲基醚(汽油):t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) 2288 set (3)

叔戊基甲基醚(汽油):t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) 2289 set (3)

乙基叔丁基醚(汽油):Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) 2290 set (3)

乙基叔丁基醚(汽油):Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) 2291 set (3)

甲基 - 叔丁基甲酸乙酯(汽油):Methyl-t-butyl Ethyl (in Gasoline) 2293 set (3)

新配方汽油(标称11%甲基叔丁基醚):Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 11% MTBE) 2294 2 x 20 mL

新配方汽油(标称15%甲基叔丁基醚):Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 15% MTBE) 2295 2 x 20 mL

新配方汽油(标称13%ETBE):Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 13% ETBE) 2296 2 x 20 mL

新配方汽油(标称10%乙醇):Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 10% Ethanol) 2297 2 X 20 mL

硫在汽油(高辛烷值):Sulfur in Gasoline (High-Octane) 2298 5x20 mL

硫在汽油(重新):Sulfur in Gasoline (Reformulated) 2299 5x20 mL

Sn-Pb合金镀层:Sn-Pb Alloy Coating 2321 each

人类DNA定量标准:Human DNA Quantitation Standard 2372 set (3 x 1 each)

DNA序列库外部的RNA控制:DNA Sequence Library for External RNA Controls 2374 96 tubes

脂肪酸甲基酯中,2,2,4 - 三甲基:Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2377 5 x 1.2 mL ampoules

投诉人发我的药:Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair I 2379 100 mg

投诉人发二药:Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair II 2380 100 mg

尿吗啡葡萄糖醛酸:Morphine Glucuronide in Urine 2382 set (4)

婴儿食品复合:Baby Food Composite 2383a 4 X 70 g

烘焙巧克力:Baking Chocolate 2384 5 X 91 g

菠菜浆化:Slurried Spinach 2385 4x70 g

花生酱:Peanut Butter 2387 3 x 170 g

氨基酸在0.1 mol / L的盐酸:Amino Acids in 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloric Acid 2389a 5 x 1.2 mL

基于PCR DNA分析标准:PCR based DNA Profiling Standard 2391c 6 vials

线粒体DNA测序:Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing 2392 set (3)

线粒体DNA测序:Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing 2392-I each

在亨廷顿氏病的CAG重复长度突变:CAG Repeat Length Mutation in Huntington's Disease 2393 set (6)

异质性线粒体DNA突变检测标准:Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Detection Std 2394 set (10)

DNA氧化损伤质谱标准:Oxidative DNA Damage Mass Spectrometry Standards 2396 set (10)

55%铝 - 锌合金:55 % Aluminum - Zinc Alloy 2426 40 g chip

白钨矿:Scheelite Ore 2430 100 g

钛基合金:Titanium base Alloy 2431 50 g

钛基合金:Titanium base Alloy 2432 50 g

钛合金:Titanium Alloy 2433 50 g

精细碳(活性炭) - 从氰化浸出矿石:Fine Carbon (Activated) - from Cyanide Ore Leaching 2451 100 g

氢在钛合金:Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy 2454 10 g

标准弹壳:Standard Cartridge Case 2461 1 each

单壁碳纳米管(原始烟尘):Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) 2483 250 mg

换流变测量非牛顿聚合物溶液:Non-Newtonian Polymer Solution for Rheological Measurements 2490 100 mL

波长校准参考1560纳米至1595纳米(一氧化碳C-12/O-16):Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1560 nm to 1595 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-12/O-16) 2514 each

波长校准参考1595纳米至1630纳米(一氧化碳C-13/O-16):Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-13/O-16) 2515 each

高分辨率波长校准参考1510年至1540年纳米乙炔12C2H2:High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 2517a each

偏振模色散:Polarization Mode Dispersion 2518 each

高分辨率波长校准参考1530-1565 nm的氰化氢:High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530-1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide 2519a each

光纤直径:Optical Fiber Diameter 2520 each

针盖奇的光纤Ferrul:Pin Gage for Optical Fiber Ferrul 2522 each

光纤套圈几何:Optical Fiber Ferrule Geometry 2523 each

偏振模色散(非模式耦合):Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled) 2538 each

硅电阻率:Silicon Resistivity 2541 each

硅电阻率:Silicon Resistivity 2543 each

再生颗粒(汽车尾气净化催化剂):Recycled Pellet (Autocatalyst) 2556 70 g

回收坝段(汽车尾气净化催化剂):Recycled Monolith (Autocatalyst) 2557 70 g

含铅油漆膜的儿童产品:Lead Paint Films for Children's Products 2569 8 sheets

含铅油漆薄膜,白/空白标称<0.001 mg/cm2的:Lead Paint Film, White/Blank Nominal <0.001 mg/cm2 2570 1 film

含铅油漆膜(黄色),标称3.5 mg/cm2的:Lead Paint Film (Yellow), Nominal 3.5 mg/cm2 2571 1 +blank

含铅油漆膜(橙色),标称1.6 mg/cm2的:Lead Paint Film (Orange), Nominal 1.6 mg/cm2 2572 1 +blank

含铅油漆膜(红色),标称为1.0mg/cm2:Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm2 2573 1 +blank

含铅油漆膜(金),标称0.7 mg/cm2的:Lead Paint Film (Gold), Nominal 0.7 mg/cm2 2574 1 +blank

含铅油漆膜(绿),标称0.3 mg/cm2的:Lead Paint Film (Green), Nominal 0.3 mg/cm2 2575 1 +blank

含铅油漆膜,高级别:Lead Paint Film, High Level 2576 1 +blank

含铅油漆薄膜,用于便携式X射线荧光分析仪:Lead Paint Films for Portable XRF Analyzers 2579a set (6)

粉末涂料标称4%铅:Powdered Paint Nominal 4% Lead 2580 30 g

粉末涂料标称0.5%引线:Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead 2581 35 g

粉末涂料标称铅为200mg/kg:Powdered Paint Nominal 200mg/kg Lead 2582 20 g

跟踪室内灰尘中的元素:Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 2583 8 g

跟踪室内灰尘中的元素:Trace Elements in Indoor Dust 2584 8 g

在屋尘有机污染物:Organic Contaminants in House Dust 2585 10 g

微量元素在土壤中含有铅元素从油漆(标称500毫克/千克铅):Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead From Paint (Nominal 500 mg/kg Lead) 2586 55 g

微量元素在土壤中元素(包含铅漆):Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) 2587 55 g

粉末涂料标称10%引线:Powdered Paint Nominal 10% Lead 2589 35 g

一氧化碳在空气中(金额 - 物质的标称分数20微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) 2613a cylinder

一氧化碳在空气中(金额 - 物质的标称分数45微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 45 µmol/mol) 2614a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数500微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) 2617 cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数0.5%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.5 % mol/mol) 2619a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数1%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol) 2620a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数1.5%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1.5 % mol/mol) 2621a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数2%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) 2622a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数3%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3 % mol/mol) 2624a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数3.5%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3.5 % mol/mol) 2625a cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数10微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) 2628a cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数20微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) 2629a each

一氧化氮氮(面额 - 物质的分数1500微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) 2630 each

一氧化氮氮(面额 - 物质的分数3000微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3000 µmol/mol) 2631a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数25微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 25 µmol/mol) 2635a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数250微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) 2636a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数2500微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) 2637a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数5000微摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5000 µmol/mol) 2638a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数1%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol) 2639a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数2%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) 2640a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数4%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 4 % mol/mol) 2641a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数8%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 8 % mol/mol) 2642a cylinder

丙烷在氮气(面额 - 物质的分数1000微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) 2646a cylinder

丙烷在氮气(面额 - 物质的分数2500微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) 2647a cylinder

氧氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数2%摩尔/摩尔):Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) 2657a cylinder

氧氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数10%摩尔/摩尔):Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol) 2658a cylinder

氧氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数21%摩尔/摩尔):Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 21 % mol/mol) 2659a cylinder

氮的总氧化物(NOx)的空气(金额 - 物质的标称分数100微摩尔/摩尔):Total Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) 2660a cylinder

在冻人尿有毒元素:Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine 2668 Set (10) (5 each conc)

砷物种在冻人尿:Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine 2669 Set (10) (5 each conc.)

尿中有毒元素(冻干):Toxic Elements in Urine (Freeze-Dried) 2670a set (4) (2 each conc)

膜过滤空白:Membrane Blank Filter 2678 set (10)

无灰空白过滤器:Ashless Blank Filter 2681 set (10)

烟煤(硫,汞,氯气等):Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) 2683c 50 g

烟煤(标称质量分数为5%硫磺):Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 5 %Sulfur) 2685c 50 g

硅酸盐水泥熟料:Portland Cement Clinker 2686a 4 vials x 7 g

硅酸盐水泥熟料:Portland Cement Clinker 2687 3 vial x 10 g

硅酸盐水泥熟料:Portland Cement Clinker 2688 3 vials x 10 g

粉煤灰:Coal Fly Ash 2689 set (3)

粉煤灰:Coal Fly Ash 2690 set (3)

粉煤灰:Coal Fly Ash 2691 set (3)

烟煤(硫,汞,氯):Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury and Chlorine) 2692c 50 g

烟煤(硫,汞,氯气等):Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) 2693 50 g

氟化物在植被:Fluoride in Vegetation 2695 2 x 25 g (1 ea conc)

硅粉:Silica Fume 2696 70 g

六价铬污染土壤(高层次):Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (High Level) 2701 75 g

海洋沉积物无机物:Inorganics in Marine Sediment 2702 50 g

泥沙固体进样(小,样品)分析技术:Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small, Sample) Analytical Techniques 2703 5 g

圣华金土:San Joaquin Soil 2709a 50 g

大拿我土:Montana I Soil 2710a 50 g

蒙大拿二土壤:Montana II Soil 2711a 50 g

硫在汽油(<1毫克/千克):Sulfur in Gasoline (<1 mg/kg) 2716 5 ampoules x 20 mL

硫残留燃料油(3%):Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (3%) 2717a 100 mL

煅烧石油焦:Calcined Petroleum Coke 2719 50 g

硫二正丁基硫醚:Sulfur in Di-n-Butyl Sulfide 2720 5 x 4.5 mL

原油(轻酸):Crude Oil (Light -Sour) 2721 5X10 mL

原油(重甜):Crude Oil (Heavy Sweet) 2722 5X10 mL

硫在柴油燃料油(标称质量分数10mg/kg的):Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 10mg/kg) 2723b 100 mL bottle

硫化氢氮(面额 - 物质的分数20微摩尔/摩尔):Hydrogen Sulfide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) 2731 cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数800微摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 800 µmol/mol) 2735 cylinder

氮中一氧化氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数500纳摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 nmol/mol) 2737 cylinder

一氧化氮氮(面额 - 物质的分数1000纳摩尔/摩尔):Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 nmol/mol) 2738 cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数10%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol) 2740a cylinder

一氧化碳氮(金额 - 物质的标称分数13%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 13 % mol/mol) 2741a cylinder

在氮气二氧化碳(金额 - 物质的标称分数16%摩尔/摩尔):Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 16 % mol/mol) 2745 cylinder

甲烷在空气中(金额 - 物质的标称分数50微摩尔/摩尔):Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) 2750 cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数0.25微摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.25 µmol/mol) 2764 cylinder

丙烷气(金额 - 物质的标称分数100纳摩尔/摩尔):Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 nmol/mol) 2765 cylinder

硫在柴油燃料油(40毫克/千克):Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (40 mg/kg) 2770 10 x 10 mL

硫在柴油混合燃料库存:Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Blend Stock 2771 1 bottle x 100 mL

B100物柴油(大豆为主):B100 Biodiesel (Soy-based) 2772 5 ampoules x 10 mL each

B100生物柴油(动物类):B100 Biodiesel (Animal-based) 2773 5 ampoules x 10 mL each

铸造焦:Foundry Coke 2775 50 g

焦炭炉:Furnace Coke 2776 50 g

墨西哥湾原油:Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil 2779 5 ampoules x 1.2mL

国内污泥:Domestic Sludge 2781 40 g

工业污泥:Industrial Sludge 2782 70 g

空气颗粒对过滤介质:Air Particulate on Filter Media 2783 2 +2 Blnk (47 mm dia)

细颗粒物(<4微米):Fine Particulate Matter (<4 µm) 2786 1 bottle

细颗粒物(<10微米):Fine Particulate Matter ( <10 µm) 2787 1 bottle

镍的维氏显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Nickel 2798a each

中型试验粉尘(MTD)的液压油:Medium Test Dust (MTD) in Hydraulic Fluid 2806b 2 bottles x 400mL

洛氏硬度,低量程:Rockwell C Hardness, Low Range 2810 each

洛氏硬度计,中端:Rockwell C Hardness, Mid Range 2811 each

洛氏硬度,高量程:Rockwell C Hardness, High Range 2812 each

洛氏硬度15N低标度范围(标称72 HR 15N):Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Low Range (Nominal 72 HR 15N) 2816 1 block

洛氏硬度15N的中尺度范围(标称83 HR 15N):Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 83 HR 15N) 2817 1 block

洛氏硬度15N规模,高电压范围(标称91 HR 15N):Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale,High Range (Nominal 91 HR 15N) 2818 1 block

洛氏硬度30N低标度范围(标称45 HR30N):Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Low Range (Nominal 45 HR30N) 2819 1 block

洛氏硬度30N的中尺度范围(标称64 HR30N):Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale Mid Range (Nominal 64 HR30N) 2820 1 block

洛氏硬度30N高标度范围(标称79 HR30N):Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale High Range (Nominal 79 HR30N) 2821 1 block

钢努氏显微硬度:Knoop Microhardness of Steel 2828 1 block

钢的显微硬度:Vickers Microhardness of Steel 2829 1 block

显微硬度,陶瓷努氏:Microhardness, Ceramic-Knoop 2830 each

维氏硬度,陶瓷和硬质合金:Vickers Hardness, Ceramics and Hardmetals 2831 each

半导体薄膜:的Al x Ga-XAS外延层:Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers 2841 disk

半导体薄膜:的Al x Ga-XAS外延层:Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers 2842 disk

磁矩标准 - 钇铁石榴石球:Magnetic Moment Standard - Yttrium Iron Garnet Sphere 2853 ea

聚乙烯中添加元素:Additive Elements in Polyethylene 2855 3 bottles

相对介电常数和损耗角正切,1422交联聚苯乙烯:Relative Permittivity and Loss Tangent, 1422 Cross-linked Polystyrene 2870 circular-cylindrical puck

聚苯乙烯绝对分子质量分布的标准:Polystyrene Absolute Molecular Mass Distribution Standard 2881 0.3 g

水饱和1 - 辛醇:Water Saturated 1-Octanol 2890 5 x 2 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液(标称,0.02%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.02 %) 2891 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液(标称,0.04%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.04 %) 2892 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液(标称,0.08%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.08 %) 2893 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液(标称,0.1%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.1 %) 2894 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇水溶液(标称,0.2%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.2 %) 2895 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液(标称,0.3%):Ethanol-Water Solution (nom., 0.3 %) 2896 5 x 1.2 mL

乙醇水溶液(标称质量分数2%):Ethanol Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 2%) 2897a 5 x 10 mL

乙醇水溶液,(标称质量分数6%):Ethanol Water Solution, (Nominal Mass Fraction 6 %) 2898a 5 x 10 mL

乙醇水溶液,(质量标称25%):Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 25 % by mass) 2899a 5 x 10 mL

乙醇 - 水溶液,(标称95.6%):Ethanol-Water Solution, (nominal 95.6%) 2900 5 x 10 mL

跟踪微粒爆发仿制品:Trace Particulate Explosive Simulants 2905 4 bottles x 1 g each

追查炸药校准解决方案:Trace Explosives Calibration Solutions 2906 3 sets of 4 ampoules

追查恐怖爆炸仿制品:Trace Terrorist Explosives Simulants 2907 2 bottles

人心肌肌钙蛋白复合物:Human Cardiac Troponin Complex 2921 5x115 uL

相对强度修正标准荧光光谱仪:橙色发射412纳米:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Orange Emission 412 nm 2940 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm

相对强度修正标准荧光光谱:绿色发射427纳米:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Green Emission 427 nm 2941 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm

相对强度修正标准荧光光谱:紫外线辐射310.0纳米:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Ultraviolet Emission 310.0 nm 2942 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm

相对强度修正标准荧光光谱:蓝色发光:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Blue Emission 2943 each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm

相对强度修正标准荧光光谱仪:红色发射:Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emission 2944 510.0 nm

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,10-500微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 10-500 µg 2950 30 filters plus 30 blanks

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,5微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 5 µg 2951 5 filters plus 5 blanks

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,10微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 10 µg 2952 5 filters plus 5 blanks

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,250微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 250 µg 2956 5 filters plus 5 blanks

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,500微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 500 µg 2957 5 filters plus 5 blanks

可吸入阿尔法石英的过滤介质,1000微克:Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media, 1000 µg 2958 5 filters plus 5 blanks

250微克 - 在过滤介质,5微克可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 5 ug - 250 ug 2960 30 filters plus 30 blanks

在过滤介质,5微克可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 5 ug 2961 5 filters plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质,10微克可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 10 ug 2962 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质,20微克可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 20 ug 2963 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质,50微克可吸入方石英:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 50 ug 2964 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质的可吸入方石英,100微克:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 100 ug 2965 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质的可吸入方石英,250微克:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 250 ug 2966 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

在过滤介质的可吸入方石英,500微克:Respirable Cristobalite on Filter Media, 500 ug 2967 5 loaded plus 5 blanks

25 - 羟基维生素D2和D3校准解决方案:25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 and D3 Calibration Solutions 2972 10 ampoules x 1.2 mL each

冻干青口组织(贻贝)有机物:Organics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis) 2974a 5 g

柴油机颗粒物:Diesel Particulate Matter 2975 1 g

贻贝组织(微量元素及甲基汞)冻干:Mussel Tissue (Trace Elements & Methylmercury) Freeze-dried 2976 25 g

苯甲醇:Benzene in Methanol 3000 2x2.5 mL

甲苯甲醇:Toluene in Methanol 3001 2x2.5 mL

乙苯在甲醇:Ethylbenzene in Methanol 3002 2x2.5 mL

邻二甲苯甲醇:o-Xylene in Methanol 3003 2x2.5 mL

间二甲苯的甲醇溶液:m-Xylene in Methanol 3004 2x2.5 mL

对二甲苯的甲醇溶液:p-Xylene in Methanol 3005 2x2.5 mL

在甲醇四氯化碳:Carbon Tetrachloride in Methanol 3006 2x2.5 mL

在甲醇二氯甲烷(标称质量分数为0.01克/克):Methylene Chloride in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction, 0.01 g/g) 3008 2x2.5 mL

1,2 - 二氯苯甲醇(标称质量分数 - 0.01克/克):1,2-Dichloropropane in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction - 0.01 g/g) 3009 2x2.5 mL

四氯乙烯(四氯乙烯)的甲醇溶液:Tetrachloroethene (Tetrachloroethylene) in Methanol 3010 2x2.5 mL

1,1,1 - 三氯乙烷在甲醇(标称质量分数为0.01克/克):1,1,1-Trichloroethane in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction, 0.01 g/g) 3011 2x2.5 mL

1,2 - 二氯乙烷在甲醇(标称质量分数为0.01克/克):1,2-Dichloroethane in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction, 0.01 g/g) 3012 2x2.5 mL

1,2,3 - 三氯丙烷甲醇(标称质量分数 - 0.01克/克):1,2,3-Trichloropropane in Methanol (Nominal Mass Fraction - 0.01 g/g) 3014 2x2.5 mL

丙苯甲醇:Isopropylbenzene in Methanol 3015 2x2.5 mL

仲丁基苯甲醇:sec-Butylbenzene in Methanol 3016 2x2.5 mL

茵在水:Endothall in Water 3064 5 x 1.2 mL

毒杀芬在甲醇:Toxaphene in Methanol 3067 5x1.2 mL

氯丹在甲醇:Chlordane in Methanol 3068 5 x 1.2 mL

在甲醇邻苯二甲酸盐:Phthalates in Methanol 3074 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1016变压器油:Aroclor 1016 in Transformer Oil 3075 5x1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1232变压器油:Aroclor 1232 in Transformer Oil 3076 5x1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1242变压器油:Aroclor 1242 in Transformer Oil 3077 5x1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1248变压器油:Aroclor 1248 in Transformer Oil 3078 5x1.2 mL

多氯联苯1254变压器油:Aroclor 1254 in Transformer Oil 3079 5x1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1260变压器油:Aroclor 1260 in Transformer Oil 3080 5x1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1016在甲醇:Aroclor 1016 in Methanol 3081 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1232在甲醇:Aroclor 1232 in Methanol 3082 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1242在甲醇:Aroclor 1242 in Methanol 3083 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1248在甲醇:Aroclor 1248 in Methanol 3084 5 x 1.2 mL

多氯联苯1254在甲醇:Aroclor 1254 in Methanol 3085 5 x 1.2 mL

氯化三联苯1260在甲醇:Aroclor 1260 in Methanol 3086 5 x 1.2 mL

变压器油中Aroclors:Aroclors in Transformer Oil 3090 set (SRMs 3075-3080)

在甲醇Aroclors:Aroclors in Methanol 3091 set (SRMs 3081-3086)

铝(Al)标准溶液:Aluminum (Al) Standard Solution 3101a 50 mL

锑(Sb)标准溶液:Antimony (Sb) Standard Solution 3102a 50 mL

砷(As)标准溶液:Arsenic (As) Standard Solution 3103a 50 mL

钡(Ba)标准溶液:Barium (Ba) Standard Solution 3104a 50 mL

铍(Be)标准溶液:Beryllium (Be) Standard Solution 3105a 5x10 mL

铋(Bi)标准溶液:Bismuth (Bi) Standard Solution 3106 5x10 mL

硼(B)标准溶液(标称5毫克/克):Boron (B) Standard Solution (nominal 5 mg/g) 3107 50 mL

镉(Cd)标准溶液:Cadmium (Cd) Standard Solution 3108 5 x 10 mL

钙(Ca)的标准溶液:Calcium (Ca) Standard Solution 3109a 5 x 10 mL

铈(Ce)标准溶液:Cerium (Ce) Standard Solution 3110 5x10 mL

铯(Cs)标准溶液:Cesium (Cs) Standard Solution 3111a 50 mL

铬(Cr)标准溶液:Chromium (Cr) Standard Solution 3112a 5 x 10 mL

钴(Co)标准溶液:Cobalt (Co) Standard Solution 3113 5x10 mL

铜(Cu)的标准溶液:Copper (Cu) Standard Solution 3114 50 mL bottle

镝(DY)标准溶液:Dysprosium (Dy) Standard Solution 3115a 5x10 mL

铒(Er标准溶液:Erbium (Er) Standard Solution 3116a 5x10 mL

铕(Eu)标准溶液:Europium (Eu) Standard Solution 3117a 5x10 mL

钆(Gd)标准溶液:Gadolinium (Gd) Standard Solution 3118a 5x10 mL

锗(Ge)标准溶液:Germanium (Ge) Standard Solution 3120a 50 mL

金(Au)标准溶液:Gold (Au) Standard Solution 3121 5 x 10 mL

铪(Hf)标准溶液:Hafnium (Hf) Standard Solution 3122 50 mL

钬(Ho)标准溶液:Holmium (Ho) Standard Solution 3123a 5x10 mL

铟(In)的标准溶液:Indium (In) Standard Solution 3124a 5x10 mL

镧(La)标准溶液:Lanthanum (La) Standard Solution 3127a 5 x 10 mL

铅(Pb)标准溶液:Lead (Pb) Standard Solution 3128 5 x 10 mL

锂(Li)标准溶液:Lithium (Li) Standard Solution 3129a 5x10 mL

镥(Lu)标准溶液:Lutetium (Lu) Standard Solution 3130a 5 x 10 mL

镁(Mg)的标准溶液:Magnesium (Mg) Standard Solution 3131a 50 mL

锰(Mn)标准溶液:Manganese (Mn) Standard Solution 3132 5 x 10 mL

汞(Hg)的标准溶液:Mercury (Hg) Standard Solution 3133 5 x 10 mL

钼(Mo)标准溶液:Molybdenum (Mo) Standard Solution 3134 5 x 10 mL

镍(Ni)标准溶液:Nickel (Ni) Standard Solution 3136 5x10 mL

铌(Nb)标准溶液:Niobium (Nb) Standard Solution 3137 50 mL

钯(Pd)标准溶液:Palladium (Pd) Standard Solution 3138 5x10 mL

磷(P)标准溶液:Phosphorus (P) Standard Solution 3139a 5x10 mL

铂(Pt)标准溶液:Platinum (Pt) Standard Solution 3140 5x10 mL

镨(Pr)标准溶液:Praseodymium (Pr) Standard Solution 3142a 5x10 mL

铑(Rh)标准溶液(标称1毫克/克):Rhodium (Rh) Standard Solution (nominal 1 mg/g) 3144 5x10 mL

铷(Rb)标准溶液:Rubidium (Rb) Standard Solution 3145a 5x10 mL

钪(Sc)标准溶液:Samarium (Sm) Standard Solution 3147a 5x10 mL

硒(Se)标准溶液:Scandium (Sc) Standard Solution 3148a 5x10 mL

银(Ag)标准溶液:Selenium (Se) Standard Solution 3149 5 X 10 mL

钠(Na)的标准溶液:Silver (Ag) Standard Solution 3151 5 x 10 mL

锶(Sr)标准溶液:Sodium (Na) Standard Solution 3152a 50 mL

硫(S)标准溶液:Strontium (Sr) Standard Solution 3153a 5 x 10 mL

钽(Ta)标准溶液:Sulfur (S) Standard Solution 3154 5 x 10 mL

碲(Te)标准溶液:Tantalum (Ta) Standard Solution 3155 50 mL

铽(Tb)的标准溶液:Tellurium (Te) Standard Solution 3156 5 x 10 mL

铊(Tl)标准溶液:Terbium (Tb) Standard Solution 3157a 5x10 ml

铥(Tm)标准溶液:Thallium (Tl) Standard Solution 3158 5 x 10 mL

锡(Sn)标准溶液:Thulium (Tm) Standard Solution 3160a 5 x 10 mL

钛(Ti)标准溶液:Tin (Sn) Standard Solution 3161a 50 mL

铀(U)标准溶液(放射性):Uranium (U) Standard Solution (Radioactive) 3164 5 x 10 mL

钒(V)标准溶液(标称5毫克/克):Vanadium (V) Standard Solution (nominal 5 mg/g) 3165 5 x 10 mL

镱(Yb)标准溶液:Ytterbium (Yb) Standard Solution 3166a 5 x 10 mL

钇(Y)标准溶液:Yttrium (Y) Standard Solution 3167a 5 x 10 mL

锌(Zn)标准溶液:Zinc (Zn) Standard Solution 3168a 50 mL

锆(Zr)标准溶液:Zirconium (Zr) Standard Solution 3169 50 mL

氯化汞标准溶液:Mercuric Chloride Standard Solution 3177 5 x 10 mL

碘阴离子(I-)标准溶液:Iodide Anion (I-) Standard Solution 3180 5 ampoules x 5 mL

硫酸根离子标准溶液:Sulfate Anion Standard Solution 3181 5x10 mL

氯离子标准溶液:Chloride Anion Standard Solution 3182 5 x 10 mL

氟阴离子标准溶液:Fluoride Anion Standard Solution 3183 50 mL

溴离子标准溶液:Bromide Anion Standard Solution 3184 5x10 mL

硝酸根离子标准溶液:Nitrate Anion Standard Solution 3185 5 X 10 mL

磷酸根离子标准溶液:Phosphate Anion Standard Solution 3186 5 X 10 mL

强化早餐谷物:Fortified Breakfast Cereal 3233 1 bottle x 60 g each

大豆粉:Soy Flour 3234 50 g

银杏(叶):Ginkgo biloba (leaves) 3246 5 X 3 g

银杏叶提取物:Ginkgo biloba Extract 3247 5 x 1 g

银杏含片剂:Ginkgo-Containing Tablets 3248 5 x 1 g

锯齿棕(水果):Serenoa repens (Fruit) 3250 6 g x 5 packets

锯齿棕提取物:Serenoa repens Extract 3251 1 mL x 5 ampoules

茶树(绿茶)叶:Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Leaves 3254 5 packets x 3 g each

茶树(绿茶)提取物:Camellia sinensis (Green Tea) Extract 3255 5 packets x 1 g each

绿茶含固体口服剂型:Green Tea-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 3256 5 packets x 2.5 g each

儿茶素校准解决方案:Catechin Calibration Solution 3257 12 x 2 mL

金丝桃素校准解决方案:Hypericin Calibration Solution 3266 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL

植物精油含有的Omega-3和Omega-6 FattyAcids:Botanical Oils Containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 FattyAcids 3274 4 ampoules x 1.2 mL

ω-3和ω-6脂肪酸的鱼油:Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Fish Oil 3275 3 ea (2 ampoule x 1.2 mL)

中石油胡萝卜提取物:Carrot Extract in Oil 3276 5 ampoules

食用油中的维生素E:Tocopherols in Edible Oils 3278 5 x 1 mL

维生素/多元素片:Multivitamin/Multielement Tablets 3280 30 tablets x 5 bottles

蔓越莓(水果):Cranberry (fruit) 3281 5 packets x 6 g each

低热量的蔓越莓汁:Low-Calorie Cranberry Juice Cocktail 3282 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL each

蔓越莓提取物:Cranberry Extract 3283 5 packets x 2.5 g each

蔓越莓含有固体,口服剂型:Cranberry-Containing Solid, Oral Dosage Form 3284 5 packets x 2.5 g each

混合浆果含固体口服剂型:Mixed Berry-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form 3285 5 packets x 2.5 g each

有机酸校准标准:Organic Acids Calibration Standard 3286 five 2 mL ampoules

蓝莓(水果):Blueberry (Fruit) 3287 5 packets x 5 g each

越橘提取物:Bilberry Extract 3291 5 packets x 1 g each

低温塞贝克系数标准:Low Temperature Seebeck Coefficient Standard 3451 bar

肌酐冻人尿:Creatinine in Frozen Human Urine 3667 1 bottle x 10 mL

汞,高氯酸盐,以及碘冻人尿:Mercury, Perchlorate, and, Iodide in Frozen Human Urine 3668 Set (10) (5 each conc)

砷物种在冻人尿(高浓度):Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine (Elevated Levels) 3669 5 vials x 1.5mL

尼古丁代谢物在人尿(冷冻):Nicotine metabolites in Human Urine (Frozen) 3671 3 vials x 10 mL each

在吸烟者的尿液中有机污染物(冷冻):Organic Contaminants in Smokers' Urine (Frozen) 3672 5 vials x 10 mL

在非吸烟者的尿液有机污染物(冷冻):Organic Contaminants in Non-Smokers' Urine (Frozen) 3673 5 vials x 10 mL

在冰冻人血清维生素B6:Vitamin B6 in Frozen Human Serum 3950 2 vials, 1 level each

碳-14十六烷放射性标准溶液:Carbon-14 Hexadecane Radioactivity Standard Solution 4222C 5 mL

镍-63的放射性标准溶液:Nickel-63 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4226D 5 mL

铯-137放射性活度标准溶液:Cesium-137 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4233E 5 mL

锶-90的放射性活度标准溶液:Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4239 5 mL

钬166米伽玛射线发射率标准溶液:Holmium-166m Gamma-ray Emission Rate Standard Solution 4274 5 mL

锝-99放射性标准溶液:Technetium-99 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4288B 5 mL

锔244放射性解决方案:Curium 244 Radioactivity Solution 4320b 5 mL

镅-241放射性活度标准溶液:Americium-241 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4322C 5 mL

钚-238放射性活度标准溶液:Plutonium-238 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4323B 5 mL

钍229的放射性标准溶液:Thorium-229 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4328C 5 mL

锔-243放射性标准溶液:Curium-243 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4329 5 mL

钚-239放射性活度标准溶液:Plutonium-239 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4330C 3 mL

镅243放射性标准溶液:Americium-243 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4332E 5 mL

钚242放射性标准溶液:Plutonium-242 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4334I 5 mL

铅-210放射性活度标准溶液:Lead-210 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4337 5 mL

镭228放射性解决方案:Radium 228 Radioactivity Solution 4339b 5 mL

钚-241放射性活度标准溶液:Plutonium-241 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4340B 5 mL

镎-237放射性活度标准:Neptunium-237 Radioactivity Standard 4341a 5 mL

钍-230放射性活度标准溶液:Thorium-230 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4342A 5 mL

河流沉积物(放射性):River Sediment (Radioactivity) 4350B 85 g

人龙粉:Human Lung Powder 4351 45 g

人类肝粉:Human Liver Powder 4352 45 g

洛基弗拉茨土壤数2:Rocky Flats Soil Number 2 4353A 90 g

湖泊底泥粉:Lake Sediment Powder 4354 25 g

灰化骨(放射性):Ashed Bone (Radioactivity) 4356 15 g

海洋沉积物粉:Ocean Sediment Powder 4357 85 g

海藻放射性核素标准:Seaweed Radionuclide Standard 4359 300 g

氢-3水放射性标准:Hydrogen-3 Water Radioactivity Standard 4361C 500 mL

铕-152放射性标准溶液:Europium-152 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4370C 5 mL

铊-201放射性活度标准溶液:Thallium-201 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4404L 5 mL

铊-201放射性活度标准溶液:Thallium-201 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4404H 5 mL

锝-99m放射性标准溶液:Technetium-99m Radioactivity Standard Solution 4410H 5 mL

67镓放射性标准溶液:Gallium-67 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4416H 5 mL

67镓放射性标准溶液:Gallium-67 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4416L 5 mL

钴-60放射性标准溶液:Cobalt-60 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4915F 5 mL

锶-90的放射性活度标准溶液:Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4919I 5 mL

氢-3水放射性标准:Hydrogen-3 Water Radioactivity Standard 4926E 20 mL

铁55放射性标准溶液:Iron-55 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4929F 5 mL

氯-36放射性标准溶液:Chlorine-36 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4943 3 mL

氢-3甲苯放射性标准溶液:Hydrogen-3 Toluene Radioactivity Standard Solution 4947C 4 mL

镭-226的放射性活度标准溶液:Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4965 5 mL

镭-226的放射性活度标准溶液:Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4966A 5 mL

镭-226的放射性活度标准溶液:Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4967A 5 mL

镭-226的放射性活度标准溶液:Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard Solution 4969 5 mL

草酸粉末:Oxalic Acid Powder 4990C 8 x 28 g

覆盖晶圆标准:Overlay Wafer Standard 5000 each

二维网格光罩,标准:Two-Dimensional Grid Photomask, Std 5001 each

砂砂筛析:Sand for Sand Sieve Analysis 8010 3 x 150 g

金纳米粒子,公称直径为10nm:Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 10nm Diameter 8011 two 5 mL ampoules

金纳米粒子,公称直径为30nm:Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 30nm Diameter 8012 two 5 mL ampoules

金纳米粒子,公称直径为60nm:Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 60nm Diameter 8013 two 5 mL ampoules

扫描电子显微镜清晰度标准:Scanning Electron Microscope Sharpness Standard 8091 each

在Si SI1-xGex薄膜:Si1-xGex Films on Si 8095 2 wafers, 1 each level

在1测试芯片CMOS MEMS 5:CMOS MEMS 5 in 1 Test Chip 8096 1 computer chip

MEMS 5合1测试芯片:MEMS 5 in 1 Test Chip 8097 1 computer chip

在无烟火药添加剂:Additives in Smokeless Powder 8107 5 g

共面波导校准设置:Coplanar Waveguide Calibration Set 8130 each

单壁碳纳米管(分散,三长 - 已解决族群):Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Dispersed, Three Length-Resolved Populations) 8281 4 ampoules x 2.5mL

酵母蛋白提取物:Yeast Protein Extract 8323 3 vials x 0.2 mL

肽参考材料的分子质量和纯度测定:Peptide Reference Material for Molecular Mass and Purity Measurements 8327 set 3 (1 mg each)

组织工程支架材料参考用于细胞培养:Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffolds for Cell Culture 8394 24 scaffolds

组织工程支架参考:Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 8395 1 scaffold

组织工程支架参考:Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 8396 1 scaffold

组织工程支架参考:Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffold 8397 1 scaffold

电解铁:Iron Electrolytic 8420 0.64 D x 5.0

小麦籽粒硬度:Wheat Hardness 8441a set (50)

丁宁在冻干人尿:Cotinine in Freeze-Dried Human Urine 8444 set (4)

喷雾干燥全蛋的过敏原检测:Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection 8445 5 g

全氟磺酸类在甲醇:Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acids in Methanol 8447 3 ampoules x 1.2mL each

硫铁矿:Pyrite Ore 8455 100 g

超高分子量聚乙烯:Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 8456 each

超高分子量聚乙烯:Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 8457 10 cubes x 0.5 cm

人工缺陷涡流:Artificial Flaw for Eddy Current 8458 each

Y型六氯环己烷(林丹):Y-HCH (Lindane) 8466 100 mg

4,4'-DDE:4,4'-DDE 8467 100 mg

农药,4,4'-DDT:Pesticide, 4,4'-DDT 8469 100 mg

二次铁氧体号标准 - 低量程:Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - Low Range 8480 1012x20

二次铁氧体号标准 - 高量程:Secondary Ferrite Number Standard - High Range 8481 set (8)

蔗渣全生物质原料:Sugarcane Bagasse Whole Biomass Feedstock 8491 50 g

东部全杨木生物质原料:Eastern Cottonwood Whole Biomass Feedstock 8492 50 g

蒙特利松树全生物质原料:Monterey Pine Whole Biomass Feedstock 8493 50 g

小麦秸秆全生物质原料:Wheat Straw Whole Biomass Feedstock 8494 50 g

北方针叶:Northern Softwood 8495 10 sheets

桉树硬木:Eucalyptus Hardwood 8496 10 sheets

变压器油:Transformer Oil 8504 100 mL

钒在原油:Vanadium in Crude Oil 8505 250 mL

水分在变压器油:Moisture in Transformer Oil 8506a 5x9.5mL

水分在甲醇,93毫克/千克:Moisture in Methanol, 93 mg/kg 8509 set (5)

水分在甲醇,325毫克/千克:Moisture in Methanol, 325 mg/kg 8510 set (5)

IAEA-S-3(中银硫化物硫同位素):IAEA-S-3 (Sulfur Isotopes in Silver Sulfide) 8529 1 bottle x 0.5g

VSMOW2维也纳标准平均海洋水(氢和Oxyen同位素水):VSMOW2 Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water(Hydrogen and Oxyen Isotopes in Water) 8535a 20 mL

全球侵入物种方案 - 水:GISP-Water 8536 20 mL

SLAP水底灯稳定同位素标准:SLAP-Water Light Stable Isotopic Standard 8537 20 mL

国家统计局22油(油中碳和氢同位素):NBS 22 Oil(Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Oil) 8539 1 mL

IAEA-CH-7(聚乙烯铝箔碳和氢同位素):IAEA-CH-7 (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Polyethylene Foil) 8540 3.5 g

USGS24石墨(碳同位素石墨):USGS24 Graphite(Carbon Isotopes in Graphite) 8541 0.8 g

IAEA-CH-6蔗糖(碳同位素蔗糖):IAEA-CH-6 Sucrose (Carbon Isotopes in Sucrose) 8542 1 g

国家统计局18 (碳同位素在碳酸盐岩):NBS 18 (Carbon Isotopes in Carbonatite) 8543 0.4 g

国家统计局19石灰石(碳酸盐碳,氧同位素):NBS 19 Limestone(Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes in Carbonate) 8544 0.4 g

LSVEC  (碳,氧和锂同位素碳酸锂):LSVEC (Carbon, Oxygen, and Lithium Isotopes in Lithium Carbonate) 8545 0.4 g

NBS28  (在石英砂硅和氧同位素):NBS28 (Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes in Silica Sand) 8546 0.4 g

IAEA-N-1 (氮同位素在硫酸铵):IAEA-N-1(Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) 8547 0.4 g

IAEA-N-2 (氮同位素在硫酸铵):IAEA-N-2(Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) 8548 0.4 g

USGS25 (氮同位素在硫酸铵):USGS25(Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) 8550 0.5 g

USGS26 (氮同位素在硫酸铵):USGS26(Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) 8551 0.5 g

NSVEC (氮同位素在氮气):NSVEC(Nitrogen Isotopes in Gaseous Nitrogen) 8552 300 umol

IAEA-S-4(Soufre德拉克)(以元素硫硫同位素):IAEA-S-4 (Soufre De Lacq)(Sulfur Isotopes in Elemental Sulfur)  8553 0.5 g

IAEA-S-1 (中银硫化物硫同位素):IAEA-S-1(Sulfur Isotopes in Silver Sulfide) 8554 0.5 g

IAEA-S-2 (中银硫化物硫同位素):IAEA-S-2(Sulfur Isotopes in Silver Sulfide) 8555 0.5 g

NBS123 (闪锌矿中硫同位素):NBS123(Sulfur Isotopes in Sphalerite) 8556 1.5 g

NBS127 (以硫酸钡硫和氧同位素):NBS127(Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Barium Sulfate) 8557 0.5 g

USGS32氮和氧同位素的硝酸盐:USGS32 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 8558 0.9 g

二氧化碳重,Paleomarine起源:CO2-Heavy, Paleomarine Origin 8562 set (2)

CO2的光,石化起源:CO2-Light, Petrochemical Origin 8563 set (2)

二氧化碳生源,现代生物起源:CO2-Biogenic, Modern Biomass Origin 8564 set (2)

USGS34氮和氧同位素的硝酸盐:USGS34 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 8568 0.9 g

USGS35氮和氧同位素的硝酸盐:USGS35 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate 8569 0.9 g

L-谷氨酸USGS40(轻碳,氮同位素在L-谷氨酸):L-glutamic Acid USGS40(Light Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid) 8573 1 g

L-谷氨酸USGS41(重碳,氮同位素在L-谷氨酸):L-glutamic Acid USGS41 (Heavy Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid) 8574 0.5 g

恒基兆业辉钼矿:Henderson Molybdenite 8599 1 bottle at 10 g

中型试验粉尘(MTD):Medium Test Dust (MTD) 8631a 20 g

超精细试验粉尘:Ultra Fine Test Dust 8632 20 g

搽纤维板:Paint on Fiberboard 8680 each

布法罗河底泥:Buffalo River Sediment 8704 50 g

大气颗粒物的过滤介质:Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media 8785 3 filters

过滤器的空白RM 8785:Filter Blank for RM 8785 8786 filter

扫描电子显微镜刻度校准神器:Scanning Electron Microscope Scale Calibration Artifact 8820 1 chip

Y型沸石:Zeolite Y 8850 35-40 g

沸石A:Zeolite A 8851 35-40 g

铵ZSM-5分子筛:Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite 8852 35-40 g

氮化硅粉末:Silicon Nitride Powder 8983 4.5 g

钛白粉 - 粒径分布:Titanium Dioxide Powder - Particle Size Distribution 8988 6 g

铝圆片插入式样品架(6):Aluminum Wafer dro-In Sample Holder (6 in) 9951 each

铝圆片插入式样品架(8):Aluminum Wafer dro-In Sample Holder (8 in) 9952 each

磷脱氧铜 - 铜九:Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu IX C1252a block

镀金金属A(块):Gilding metal A (block) C1112 disk

镀金金属B(块):Gilding metal B (block) C1113 disk

镀金金属C(块):Gilding metal C (block) C1114 disk

商业青铜甲(块):Commercial Bronze A (block) C1115 disk

商业青铜C(块):Commercial Bronze C (block) C1117 disk

白口铸铁:White Cast Iron C1137a disk

白口铸铁:White Cast Iron C1145a disk

不锈钢23Cr-7NI:Stainless Steel 23Cr-7Ni C1151a disk

不锈钢的18Cr-11Ni:Stainless Steel 18Cr-11Ni c1152a disk

不锈钢为17Cr-9Ni:Stainless Steel 17Cr-9Ni C1153a disk

不锈钢19Cr-13Ni:Stainless Steel 19Cr-13Ni C1154a disk

铸钢3:Cast Steel 3 C1173 disk

镍铜合金:Nickel-Copper Alloy C1248 disk

磷脱氧铜 - 铜八:Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu VIII C1251a block

磷脱氧铜 - X:Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - X C1253a block

洛杉矶钢(A242)(型号):LA Steel (A242) (mod.) C1285 disk

高合金(HC-250 + V):High Alloy (HC-250 + V) C1290 disk

高合金(镍硬,I型):High Alloy (Ni-Hard, Type I) C1291 disk

高合金(镍硬,IV型):High Alloy (Ni-Hard, Type IV) C1292 disk

不锈钢:Stainless Steel C1296 disk

医管局钢ACI(17/4 PH值):HA Steel ACI (17/4 PH) C2400 disk

医管局钢(ACI-C-4M-Cu系):HA Steel (ACI-C-4M-Cu) C2401 disk

Hastelloy7C:Hastelloy7C C2402 disk

子弹铅:Bullet Lead C2416 disk

铅基合金:Lead-base Alloy C2417 disk

高纯度铅:High-Purity Lead C2418 disk

球墨铸铁铁C:Ductile Iron C C2424 disk


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