推广 热搜: 试剂盒  实验室  试剂  仪器  供应  显微镜  上海  洗眼器  设备  生物 


品牌: Bachem
Bachem: Bachem
Bachem: Bachem
Bachem: Bachem
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-08-05 17:27
浏览次数: 90
 T-1106.0001 CD34 (human) - Clone QB-END 10
T-1112.0500 CD62e (human) - Clone 4D10, FITC labeled
T-1113.0100 CD54 (human) - Clone 1304
T-1114.0100 CD54 (human) - Clone 1304, Biotinylated
T-1116.0060 CD41/CD61 - Clone A10-33/1
T-1119.0100 Endothelial cells (human) - Clone BW200 (278/105)
T-1121.0100 CD49b (human) - Clone A.1.43
T-1122.0100 CD49b (human) - Clone A.1.43, Biotinylated
T-1124.0200 Endothelial cells (human) - Clone 1F10, Biotinylated
T-1126.0200 CD106 (human) - Clone 1299-27-1
T-1129.0200 CD143 (human) - Clone CG2
T-1130.0200 EMAP II (human, rat) - Clone 546-2
T-1140.0150 Angiogenin (human) - Clone MANG1
T-1201.0100 Collagen Type IV (human) - Clone C IV 22
T-1202.0200 Thromboxane Synthase (human) - Clone Tü-300
T-1203.0002 Smooth Muscle Cells (pan) - Clone HM 19/2
T-1204.0100 HLA-DR (human) - Clone 910/D7
T-1205.0100 CD71 (human) - Clone VIP-1
T-1206.0150 Thromboxane Synthase (human) - Clone Tü-300, Biotinylated
T-1207.0200 CD9 (human) - Clone K41
T-1210.0200 CD46 (human) - Clone 13/42
T-1213.0100 Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase b-Subunit (human) - Clone 3-2B12
T-1301.0050 MCA (human) - Clone b-12
T-1302.0200 pan-Cytokeratin (human) - Clone Lu-5
T-1303.0025 Sialyl Lewis (a) Tumors (CA 19-9) (human) - Clone 1025.63.7
T-1304.0100 Lambda Light Chains (human) - Clone l-1
T-1307.0100 Kappa Light Chains (human) - Clone K-117
T-1313.0500 C-Peptide of Proinsulin (human) - Clone C-PEP-01
T-1314.0200 CEA (human) - Clone C19
T-1315.0200 b-Tubulin, class III - Clone TU-20
T-1317.0200 GFAP (human) - Clone GF-01
T-1318.0200 PSA (human) - Clone F5
T-1319.0200 p53 (human) - Clone BP53-12
T-1320.0200 Ferritin (human) - Clone mAb 44
T-1321.0100 Insulin (human) - Clone IN-05
T-1322.0200 b-hCG (human) - Clone h6
T-1323.0200 Neurofilament heavy chain (human) - Clone NF-01
T-1325.0200 ACT (human) - Clone ACT14C7
T-1326.0200 IgA (human) - Clone DA43D3
T-1327.0200 IgM (human) - Clone DM3A3
T-1331.0200 CD44 (human) - Clone F10-44-2
T-1334.0140 CD45RO (human) - Clone UCHL1
T-1337.0200 CD43 (human) - Clone DFT-1
T-1338.0200 Cadherin E (human) - Clone 67A4
T-1341.0100 pan-Cytokeratin (human) - Clone Lu-5, Biotinylated
T-1355.0100 CD19 (human) - Clone AE1
T-1356.0100 CD22 (human) - Clone IS7
T-1357.0100 CD69 (human) - Clone FN50
T-1358.0100 CD24 (human) - Clone 32D12
T-1359.0100 CD37 (human) - Clone HH1
T-1360.0100 HLA-DQ (human) - Clone FN81
T-1361.0200 HLA II (human) - Clone HKB1
T-1362.0100 CD3 (human) - Clone CRIS-7
T-1363.0100 CD3 (human) - Clone UCHT-1
T-1364.0100 CD4 (human) - Clone EDU-2
T-1365.0100 CD7 (human) - Clone 142.9
T-1366.0200 CD41 (human) - Clone 96.2C1
T-1367.0100 CD5 (human) - Clone CRIS-1
T-1368.0200 CD25 (human) - Clone 143-13
T-1369.0100 HLA-DR (human) - Clone EDU-1
T-1370.0100 CD56 (human) - Clone MEM-188
T-1371.0100 CD20 (human) - Clone CAT13.6E12
T-1372.0200 CD71 (human) - Clone SOM4D10
T-1373.0200 CD16 (human) - Clone c127
T-1374.0100 CD177 (human) - Clone MEM-166
T-1401.0100 TNF-a (human) - Clone 2 C 8
T-1403.0200 IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (human) - Clone 1384.92.17.8
T-1404.0200 IL-1 Receptor Antagonist (human) - Clone 1384.92.17.8, Biotinylated
T-1409.0200 CD120a (human) - Clone htr 9
T-1410.0200 CD120a (human) - Clone htr 9, Biotinylated
T-1412.0200 CD120b (human) - Clone utr 1
T-1413.0200 CD120b (human) - Clone utr 1, Biotinylated
T-1417.0200 Stem Cell Factor (human) - Clone hKL 12
T-1422.0200 IL-16 (human) - Clone G11/II
T-1423.0200 Collagen 18 (human, rat) - Clone 1837-46
T-1424.0500 Connective Tissue Growth Factor (human, rat) - Clone 2154-60
T-1507.0200 MCH Receptor type 1 (human) - Polyclonal
T-1508.0200 MCH Receptor type 2 (human) - Polyclonal
T-1509.0200 DEC-205 (human)
T-1510.0100 Neurotactin (human) - Polyclonal
T-1512.0100 Calgizzarin (human) - Polyclonal
T-1514.0200 CD163 (human, porcine) - Polyclonal
T-1515.0200 Bri (ITM2B) (human) - Polyclonal
T-1516.0200 ABri (human) - Polyclonal
T-1520.0100 C3a (human) - Polyclonal
T-1521.0100 C4a (human) - Polyclonal
T-1522.0200 MRP8/14 (human) - Polyclonal
T-1524.0200 Orexin Receptor Type 1 (Ox1r) (human, porcine, rat)
T-1526.0200 MRP8/14 (human) - Polyclonal, Biotinylated
T-1527.0200 CD163 (human) - Polyclonal
T-2001.0100 CD31 (mouse) - Clone ER-MP12
T-2002.0001 M-CSF Responsive Cell (mouse) - Clone ER-MP58
T-2003.0100 Myeloid Precursor Cells (mouse) - Clone ER-MP54
T-2004.0100 Ly-6C (mouse) - Clone ER-MP20
T-2005.0100 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone 88a
T-2006.0200 F 4/80 Antigen (mouse) - Clone BM8
T-2007.0200 Pan-Monocytes (mouse) - Clone MOMA-2
T-2008.0500 F 4/80 Antigen (mouse) - Clone Cl:A3-1
T-2009.0100 Histiocytes (mouse) - Clone ER-MP23
T-2010.0150 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone ER-TR9
T-2011.0200 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone MOMA 1
T-2012.0500 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone ER-HR3
T-2013.0100 DEC-205 (mouse) - Clone NLDC 145
T-2014.0200 Dendritic cells (mouse) - Clone MIDC 8
T-2015.0100 CD13 (human) - Clone ER-BMDM1
T-2017.0100 F 4/80 Antigen (mouse) - Clone BM8, Biotinylated
T-2018.0300 CD31 (mouse) - Clone ER-MP12, Biotinylated
T-2019.0100 Ly-6C (mouse) - Clone ER-MP20, Biotinylated
T-2020.0100 Ly-6C (mouse) - Clone ER-MP20, FITC labeled
T-2021.0200 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone MOMA 1, Biotinylated
T-2023.0200 DEC-205 (mouse) - Clone NLDC 145, FITC labeled
T-2024.0150 Macrophages (mouse) - Clone ER-TR9, Biotinylated
T-2025.0150 DEC-205 (mouse) - Clone NLDC 145, Biotinylated
T-2026.0200 MARCO (mouse) - Clone ED31
T-2027.0100 F 4/80 Antigen (mouse) - Clone BM8, FITC labeled
T-2028.0100 F 4/80 Antigen (mouse) - Clone BM8
T-2029.0100 Pan-Monocytes (mouse) - Clone MOMA-2, Biotinylated
T-2030.0100 Ly-6C (mouse) - Clone ER-MP20, R-Phycoerythrin labeled
T-2036.0200 CD200 (mouse) - Clone OX-90
T-2101.0100 CD71 (mouse) - Clone ER-MP21
T-2102.0250 CD11b (mouse) - Clone M1/70
T-2104.0100 MHC class I (H2-k·,q·,s·) (mouse) - Clone ER-MP42
T-2105.0100 MHC class I (H2-b·,d·,p·,q·,h4·,m·,w16·) (mouse) - Clone ER-HR52
T-2106.0150 MHC (mouse) - Clone ER-TR3
T-2107.0100 MHC (mouse) - Clone ER-TR2
T-2109.0200 (Reticular) Fibroblasts and Fibre (human, mouse) - Clone ER-TR7
T-2113.0100 Forssman Glycosphingolipid (mouse) - Clone FOM-1
T-2114.0200 CD71(mouse) - Clone ER-MP21, Biotinylated
T-2116.0200 MHC (mouse) - Clone ER-TR3, Biotinylated
T-2117.0100 MHC (mouse) - Clone ER-TR3, FITC labeled
T-2122.0250 CD18 (mouse) - Clone YTS 213.1
T-2123.0250 Macrophage Scavenger Receptor (mouse) - Clone 2F8
T-2201.0500 IL-1b (murine) - Clone 1400.24
T-2301.0100 C3a Receptor (mouse) - Polyclonal
T-2302.0100 C5a Receptor (mouse) - Polyclonal
T-2304.0200 Apelin Receptor (mouse, rat) - Polyclonal
T-2501.0500 Osteopontin (mouse) - Polyclonal
T-3002.0250 CD172a (rat) - Clone OX41
T-3003.0250 CD68 (rat) - Clone ED1
T-3004.0100 Macrophages (rat) - Clone Ki-M2R
T-3005.0100 Macrophages (rat) - Clone RM1
T-3008.0500 Macrophages (rat) - Clone Ki-M9R
T-3011.0250 Macrophages (rat) - Clone ED2
T-3012.0100 Macrophages (rat) - Clone TRPM-3
T-3013.0250 Macrophages (rat) - Clone ED3
T-3017.0100 Macrophages (rat) - Clone AnP95
T-3101.0250 CD71 (rat) - Clone OX-26
T-3102.0001 CD11b (rat) - Clone OX-42
T-3105.0075 Granulocytes (pan)-Surface (rat) - Clone RK-4
T-3106.0050 B-cells (pan) (rat) - Clone Ki-B1R
T-3107.0001 T-cells (pan) (rat) - Clone Ki-T1R
T-3109.0150 CD4 (rat) - Clone Rib 5/2
T-3110.0100 CD8 (rat) - Clone Rib 6/1
T-3119.0100 Granulocytes (pan)-Surface (rat) - Clone RK-4, Biotinylated
T-3122.0200 T-cells (pan) (rat) - Clone Ki-T1R, Biotinylated
T-3130.0500 CD90 (rat) - Clone OX-7
T-3131.0500 CD8a (rat) - Clone OX-8
T-3132.0100 Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase b-Subunit (rat) - Clone 6-9H6
T-3203.0200 Surfactant Protein D (human, rat) - Clone IIE11, Biotinylated
T-3204.0200 Surfactant Protein D (human, rat) - Clone VIF11
T-3205.0200 Surfactant Protein D (human, rat) - Clone VIF11, Biotinylated
T-3206.0100 Bone Morphogenic Protein 6 (human, rat) - Clone morph-6.1
T-3207.0100 Bone Morphogenic Protein 6 (human, rat) - Clone morph-6.1, Biotinylated
T-3208.0250 Surfactant Protein D (SP-D) (human, rat) - Clone SPDE (IIE11)
T-3401.0002 Proteinase K
T-3402.0060 Royalmount
T-3403.0250 Royalmount
T-3501.0200 Mx1 Protein (porcine) - Clone AM39
T-4000.0500 ACTH (1-39) (mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4001.0400 ACTH (1-39) (mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4002.0050 ACTH (1-39) (mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4005.0400 Angiotensin II - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4006.0500 Angiotensin II - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4007.0050 Angiotensin II - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4009.0500 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (human, bovine, porcine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4010.0400 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (human, bovine, porcine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4011.0050 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (human, bovine, porcine) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4013.0500 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (mouse, rabbit, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4014.0400 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (mouse, rabbit, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4015.0050 Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (mouse, rabbit, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4017.0500 Bradykinin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4018.0400 Bradykinin - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4019.0050 Bradykinin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4021.0500 BNP-32 (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4022.0400 BNP-32 (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4023.0050 BNP-32 (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4025.0500 Calcitonin (salmon I) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4026.0400 Calcitonin (salmon I) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4027.0050 Calcitonin (salmon I) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4030.0500 a-CGRP (mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4031.0400 a-CGRP (mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4032.0050 a-CGRP (mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4035.0500 CRF (human, mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4036.0400 CRF (human, mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4037.0050 CRF (human, mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4039.0500 b-Endorphin (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4040.0400 b-Endorphin (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4041.0050 b-Endorphin (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4043.0500 b-Endorphin (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4044.0400 b-Endorphin (rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4045.0050 b-Endorphin (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4048.0500 Endothelin-1 (human, bovine, dog, mouse, porcine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4049.0400 Endothelin-1 (human, bovine, dog, mouse, porcine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4050.0050 Endothelin-1 (human, bovine, dog, mouse, porcine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4052.0500 Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4053.0050 Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4056.0500 GLP-1 (7-36) amide (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4057.0050 GLP-1 (7-36) amide (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4059.0500 GRF (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4060.0400 GRF (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4061.0050 GRF (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4063.0500 (Des-Gly10,D-Leu6,Pro-NHEt9)-LHRH (Leuprolide) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4064.0050 (Des-Gly10,D-Leu6,Pro-NHEt9)-LHRH (Leuprolide) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4065.0500 (Des-Gly10,D-Trp6,Pro-NHEt9)-LHRH (Deslorelin) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4066.0050 (Des-Gly10,D-Trp6,Pro-NHEt9)-LHRH (Deslorelin) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4068.0500 Neuropeptide Y (human, mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4069.0400 Neuropeptide Y (human, mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4070.0050 Neuropeptide Y (human, mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4072.0500 Orexin A (human, bovine, canine, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4073.0400 Orexin A (human, bovine, canine, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4074.0050 Orexin A (human, bovine, canine, mouse, ovine, porcine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4075.0500 Orexin B (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4076.0400 Orexin B (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4077.0050 Orexin B (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4078.0500 Orexin B (mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4079.0400 Orexin B (mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4080.0050 Orexin B (mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4082.0500 Oxytocin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4083.0400 Oxytocin - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4084.0050 Oxytocin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4086.0500 Pancreatic Polypeptide (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4087.0400 Pancreatic Polypeptide (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4088.0050 Pancreatic Polypeptide (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4090.0500 Peptide YY (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4091.0050 Peptide YY (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4092.0500 Peptide YY (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4093.0400 Peptide YY (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4094.0050 Peptide YY (canine, mouse, porcine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4096.0500 pTH (1-34) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4097.0400 pTH (1-34) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4098.0050 pTH (1-34) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4101.0500 Somatostatin-14 - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4102.0400 Somatostatin-14 - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4103.0050 Somatostatin-14 - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4105.0500 Substance P - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4106.0400 Substance P - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4107.0050 Substance P - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4110.0400 Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4111.0400 GLP-1 (7-36) amide (human, bovine, guinea pig, mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4113.0400 Peptide YY (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4116.0500 VIP (human, mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4117.0500 ACTH (1-39) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4118.0400 ACTH (1-39) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4119.0050 ACTH (1-39) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4121.0500 ACTH (1-24) (human, bovine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4122.0400 ACTH (1-24) (human, bovine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4123.0050 ACTH (1-24) (human, bovine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4125.0500 ACTH (18-39) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4126.0400 ACTH (18-39) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4127.0050 ACTH (18-39) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4129.0500 Adrenomedullin (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4130.0400 Adrenomedullin (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4131.0050 Adrenomedullin (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4133.0500 Proadrenomedullin (1-20) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4134.0050 Proadrenomedullin (1-20) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4136.0500 Adrenomedullin (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4137.0400 Adrenomedullin (rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4138.0050 Adrenomedullin (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4140.0500 Amylin (cat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4141.0400 Amylin (cat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4142.0050 Amylin (cat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4144.0500 Amylin (mouse, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4145.0400 Amylin (mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4146.0050 Amylin (mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4148.0500 Amylin (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4149.0400 Amylin (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4150.0050 Amylin (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4152.0500 Amylin (1-13) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4153.0400 Amylin (1-13) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4154.0050 Amylin (1-13) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4156.0500 Amylin (25-37) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4157.0400 Amylin (25-37) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4158.0050 Amylin (25-37) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4160.0500 Amyloid b-Protein (1-40) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4161.0400 Amyloid b-Protein (1-40) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4162.0050 Amyloid b-Protein (1-40) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4164.0500 Angiotensin I - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4165.0400 Angiotensin I - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4166.0050 Angiotensin I - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4168.0500 b-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (Dimer, Antiparallel) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4169.0400 b-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (Dimer, Antiparallel) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4170.0050 b-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (1-28) (Dimer, Antiparallel) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4172.0500 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (26-55) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4173.0400 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (26-55) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4174.0050 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (26-55) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4176.0500 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (56-92) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4177.0400 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (56-92) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4178.0050 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (56-92) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4180.0500 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (104-123) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4181.0400 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (104-123) (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4182.0050 Prepro-Atrial Natriuretic Factor (104-123) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4183.0500 BAM-12P - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4184.0400 BAM-12P - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4185.0050 BAM-12P - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4187.0500 BAM-22P - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4188.0400 BAM-22P - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4189.0050 BAM-22P - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4191.0500 Bombesin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4192.0400 Bombesin - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4193.0050 Bombesin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4195.0500 BNP-26 (porcine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4196.0400 BNP-26 (porcine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4197.0050 BNP-26 (porcine) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4199.0500 BNP-34 (3-34) (dog) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4200.0050 BNP-34 (3-34) (dog) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4201.0500 BNP-32 (porcine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4202.0400 BNP-32 (porcine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4203.0050 BNP-32 (porcine) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4205.0500 BNP-32 (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4206.0400 BNP-32 (rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4207.0050 BNP-32 (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4209.0500 BNP-45 (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4210.0400 BNP-45 (rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4211.0050 BNP-45 (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4213.0500 C-Peptide (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4214.0400 C-Peptide (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4215.0050 C-Peptide (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4217.0500 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (1-29) (mouse, porcine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4218.0400 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (1-29) (mouse, porcine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4219.0050 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (1-29) (mouse, porcine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4221.0500 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (32-53) (human, porcine, rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4222.0400 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (32-53) (human, porcine, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4223.0050 C-Type Natriuretic Peptide (32-53) (human, porcine, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4225.0500 Calcitonin (eel) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4226.0400 Calcitonin (eel) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4227.0050 Calcitonin (eel) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4229.0500 Calcitonin (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4230.0400 Calcitonin (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4231.0050 Calcitonin (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4233.0500 Calcitonin (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4234.0400 Calcitonin (rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4235.0050 Calcitonin (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4237.0500 a-CGRP (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4238.0400 a-CGRP (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4239.0050 a-CGRP (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4241.0500 b-CGRP (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4242.0400 b-CGRP (human) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4243.0050 b-CGRP (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4245.0400 VIP (human, mouse, rat) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4246.0050 VIP (human, mouse, rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4248.0500 Anxiety Peptide - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4249.0400 Anxiety Peptide - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4250.0050 Anxiety Peptide - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4252.0500 Cholecystokinin Octapeptide (desulfated) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4253.0400 Cholecystokinin Octapeptide (desulfated) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4254.0050 Cholecystokinin Octapeptide (desulfated) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4256.0500 CRF (ovine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4257.0400 CRF (ovine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4259.0500 Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4260.0400 Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4261.0050 Delta-Sleep Inducing Peptide - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4263.0500 Pancreastatin (33-48) (human) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4264.0050 Pancreastatin (33-48) (human) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4266.0500 Dynorphin A - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4267.0400 Dynorphin A - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4268.0050 Dynorphin A - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4270.0500 Dynorphin A (1-8) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4271.0400 Dynorphin A (1-8) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4272.0050 Dynorphin A (1-8) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4274.0500 Dynorphin B - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4275.0400 Dynorphin B - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4276.0050 Dynorphin B - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4278.0500 Dynorphin A (1-13) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4279.0400 Dynorphin A (1-13) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4280.0050 Dynorphin A (1-13) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4282.0500 Dynorphin A (1-10) amide - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4283.0400 Dynorphin A (1-10) amide - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4284.0050 Dynorphin A (1-10) amide - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4286.0050 Urocortin (rat) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4287.0500 Urocortin (rat) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4288.0500 Leu-Enkephalin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4289.0400 Leu-Enkephalin - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4290.0050 Leu-Enkephalin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4292.0500 Met-Enkephalin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4293.0400 Met-Enkephalin - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4294.0050 Met-Enkephalin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4296.0500 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4297.0400 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4298.0050 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Gly-Leu - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4300.0500 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Phe - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4301.0400 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Phe - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4302.0050 Met-Enkephalin-Arg-Phe - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4304.0500 Prepro-Endothelin-1 (94-109) (porcine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4305.0400 Prepro-Endothelin-1 (94-109) (porcine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4306.0050 Prepro-Endothelin-1 (94-109) (porcine) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4309.0050 Motilin (canine) - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4310.0500 Motilin (canine) - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
T-4311.0400 Motilin (canine) - Purified Antiserum - IgG, Host: Rabbit
T-4313.0050 Neurotensin - Undiluted Antiserum for Immunohistochemistry, Host: Rabbit
T-4314.0500 Neurotensin - Diluted Antiserum for RIA, Host: Rabbit
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