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IngenyPhorU DGGE DNA突变分析系统

品牌: Ingeny
型号: IngenyPhorU
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-03-03 16:40
浏览次数: 279



  • 尺寸(长×宽×高) 56cm×26cm×41cm
  • 最小缓冲液体积 17 L
  • 温度范围 0-70℃(需另外选配外置式冷却器)
  • 控温精度 <0.1℃
  • 凝胶规格 28cm×18cm
  • 最大检测孔数 96
  • 梳子 20孔,32孔,48孔
  • 220V-240V,50Hz 或



  • CDGE(持续变性凝胶电泳)
  • SSCP(单链构造多形态分析)
  • HA(异源双链核酸分析)
  • PTT(蛋白切断实验)
  • DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳)
  • TGGE(温度梯度凝胶电泳)




  •  人类基因突变检测
  •  检测线粒体基因突变
  •  检测从泥土,新鲜水或盐水中得到的细菌样品生物多样性
  •  检测肠道细菌群的生物多样性
  •  法医鉴定中线粒体DNA检测
  •  HLA基因组织分型
  •  基因组差异分析
  •  植物科学中家谱分析
  •  RAPD-DGGE检测植物基因组的多形性
  •  在更多领域中的应用正不断被发现


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Allgaier M., Grossart H.P. 2006, Seasonal dynamics and phylogenetic diversity of free-living and particle-associated bacterial communities in four lakes in northeastern Germany


Jolanda K. Brons and Jan Dirk van Elsas, 2008, Analysis of Bacterial Communities in Soil by Use of Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and Clone Libraries, as Influenced by Different Reverse Primers


Cook A.A., et.al. 2005, Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)as a tool for identification of marine nematodes


Dadheech P.K., et.al. 2009, Molecular detection of uncultured cyanobacteria and aminotransferase domains for cyanotoxin production in sediments of different Kenyan lakes


Dilly O., et.al. 2003, Bacterial Diversity in Agricultural Soils during Litter Decomposition

Dooms S., et.al.2006,Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) as a tool for the characterisation of Brachionus sp. strains

Duineveld B.M., et.al.1998, Analysis of the Dynamics of Bacterial Communities in the Rhizosphere of the Chrysanthemum via Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis and Substrate Utilization Patterns


Federici E., et.al.2007, Addition of allochthonous fungi to a historically contaminated soil affects both remediation efficiency and bacterial diversity


Geets J., et.al. 2005, DsrB gene-based DGGE for community and diversity surveys of sulfate-reducing bacteria


Gich F., et.al. 2005, Specific Detection, Isolation, and Characterization of Selected, Previously Uncultured Members of the Freshwater Bacterioplankton Community


Green S.J., et.al. 2008, A salinity and sulfate manipulation of hypersaline microbial mats reveals stasis in the cyanobacterial community structure


Hamberger A., et.al.2008, Anaerobic Consumers of Monosaccharides in a Moderately Acidic Fen

Harrington C.R., et.al.2008, A short-oligonucleotide microarray that allows improved detection of gastrointestinal tract microbial communities


Hendrickx B., et.al. 2005, Dynamics of an Oligotrophic Bacterial Aquifer Community during Contact with a Groundwater Plume Contaminated with Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Xylenes: an In Situ Mesocosm Study


Köpke B., et.al. 2005, Microbial Diversity in Coastal Subsurface Sediments: a Cultivation Approach Using Various Electron Acceptors and Substrate Gradients


R. Laforgue, et.al.2009 , Evaluation of PCR-DGGE methodology to monitor fungal communities on grapes


Lam C., and Harder T. 2007, Marine macroalgae affect abundance and community richness of bacterioplankton in close proximity

Landy E.T., et.al.2007, Bacterial diversity associated with archaeological waterlogged wood: Ribosomal RNA clone libraries and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE)


J. R. Lawrence, et.al.2008, Community-Level Assessment of the Effects of the Broad-Spectrum Antimicrobial Chlorhexidine on the Outcome of River Microbial Biofilm Development


Leys N., et.al.2003, Occurrence and Phylogenetic Diversity of Sphingomonas Strains in Soils Contaminated with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons


Malin C., and Illmer P. 2007, Ability of DNA content and DGGE analysis to reflect the performance condition of an anaerobic biowaste fermenter


Manefield M., et.al.2002, RNA Stable Isotope Probing, a Novel Means of Linking Microbial Community Function to Phylogeny

Manske A.K., et.al. 2007,Subfossil 16S rRNA Gene Sequences of Green Sulfur Bacteria in the Black Sea and Their Implications for Past Photic Zone Anoxia

Martínez-Iñigo M.J., et.al.2009, Bulk soil and rhizosphere bacterial community PCR–DGGE profiles and β-galactosidase activity as indicators of biological quality in soils contaminated by heavy metals and cultivated with Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke

McAuliffe L., et.al. 2003, Differentiation of Mycoplasma Species by 16S Ribosomal DNA PCR and Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Fingerprinting


Muyzer G, et.al.1993, Profiling of Complex Microbial Populations by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of Polymerase Chain Reaction-Amplified Genes Coding for 16S rRNA

de Oliveira V.M., et.al.2005, A ribosomal RNA gene intergenic spacer based PCR and DGGE fingerprinting method for the analysis of specific rhizobial communities in soil

Payne M.S., et.al.2006, Microbial Diversity within Early-Stage Cultured Panulirus ornatus Phyllosomas


Prat C., et.al. 2005, Molecular fingerprinting (PCR-DGGE) reveal differences of the microbial diversity of musty-earthy tainted cork


Qvit-Raz N., et.al. 2008, Drop-Size Soda Lakes: Transient Microbial Habitats on a Salt-Secreting Desert Tree


Rehman H., et.al. 2007, Effects of Dietary Inulin on the Intestinal Short Chain Fatty Acids and Microbial Ecology in Broiler Chickens as Revealed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis


Rosado, A.S., et.al. 1998, Genetic Diversity of nifH Gene Sequences in Paenibacillus azotofixans Strains and Soil Samples Analyzed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis of PCR-Amplified Gene Fragment

Tkáciková L, et.al. 2006, PrP gene polymorphism in sheep breeds in Slovakia and susceptibility to scrapie.

Uyttebroek M., et.al. 2007,Characterization of Cultures Enriched from Acidic Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Soil for Growth on Pyrene at Low pH

Wang H., et.al. 2008, Impact of crop species on bacterial community structure during anaerobic co-digestion of crops and cow manure

Weinert N., et.al. 2009, Molecular fingerprints reveal that the effects of genetically modified potato plants with increased zeaxanthin content on bacterial and fungal rhizosphere communities do not exceed natural cultivar variability

Winter C., et.al. 2009, Seasonal changes of bacterial and archaeal communities in the dark ocean: Evidence from the Mediterranean Sea

Worthley D.L., et.al.2009, A human, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial of prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic supplementation: effects on luminal, inflammatory, epigenetic, and epithelial biomarkers of colorectal cancer

Yan Q.Y., et.al. 2006, Genetic Diversity of Plankton Community as Depicted by PCR-DGGE Fingerprinting and its Relation to Morphological Composition and Environmental Factors in Lake Donghu

Zijnge V., et.al.2006, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis as a Diagnostic Tool in Periodontal Microbiology

Zouache K., et.al. 2009, Persistent Wolbachia and Cultivable Bacteria Infection in the Reproductive and Somatic Tissues of the Mosquito Vector Aedes albopictus

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