推广 热搜: 试剂盒  实验室  试剂  仪器  供应  显微镜  上海  洗眼器  设备  生物 


单价: 3000.00元/瓶
起订: 1 瓶
供货总量: 100 瓶
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 30 天内发货
所在地: 福建 厦门市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-09-16 15:52
浏览次数: 189
购买   加入购物车

代理德国MOBITEC  20几年


关键字:Bacillus expression Systems


BMEG02          Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain WH320

BMEG03           Bacillus megaterium vector pWH1520, lyophilized DNA

BMEG04           Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain YYBm1

BMEG10           Bacillus megaterium vector, pMM1522, lyophilized DNA

BMEG11           Bacillus megaterium vector, pMM1525, lyophilized DNA

BMEG12           Bacillus megaterium vector, pHIS1522, lyophilized DNA

BMEG13           Bacillus megaterium vector, pHIS1525, lyophilized DNA

BMEG13C         Levansucrase expression positive control, HIS-Tag

BMEG14           Bacillus megaterium vector, pSTREP1525

BMEG14C         Levansucrase expression positive control, STREP-Tag

BMEG15           Bacillus megaterium vector pSTREPHIS1525

BMEG15C         Levansucrase expression positive control, STREPHIS-Tag

BMEG20           Bacillus megaterium vector pC-His1622

BMEG21           Bacillus megaterium vector pC-Strep1622

BMEG22           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-His-TEV1622

BMEG23           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-Strep-TEV1622

BMEG24           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-StrepXa1622

BMEG25           Bacillus megaterium vector, pSTOP1622, lyophilized DNA.

BMEG30           Bacillus megaterium vector p3STOP1623hp

BMEG31           Bacillus megaterium vector pC-HIS1623hp

BMEG32           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-HIS-TEV1623hp

BMEG33           Bacillus megaterium vector pSP-LipA-hp

BMEG34           Bacillus megaterium vector pSP-YocH-hp

BMEG35           Bacillus megaterium vector p3STOP1623-2RBShp

BMEG36           Bacillus megaterium vector pC-STREP1623hp

BMEG37           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-STREP-Xa1623hp

BMEG38           Bacillus megaterium vector pN-STREP-TEV1623hp

BMEG50           Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain MS941

BMEGT701       Bacillus megaterium high yield T7 gene expression kit, includes pretransformed protoplasts BMEGT702 (5x500μl), pPT7 cloning vector and pPT7-GFP control vector (vectors lyophilized, 10 μg each)

BMEGT702       Bacillus megaterium protoplasts, strain MS941, pretransformed with pT7-RNAP

BMEGT710       Bacillus megaterium pPT7 cloning vector, lyophilized

BMEGT710C    Bacillus megaterium pPT7-GFP control vector, lyophilized

BMEGT711       Bacillus megaterium pPT7-SPlipA secretion vector

BMEG10C         pGFP1522, GFP expression vector, positive control

BMEG39           Bacillus megaterium vector, pMGBm19, lyophilized DNA

BMEG40C         pGFP1624hp, high performance GFP expression vector, positive control

BMEG45           Bacillus megaterium vector pPconst1326

PBS001             pHT01 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA

PBS001C          pHT01-bgaB control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector

PBS002             pHT43 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA

PBS002C          pHT43-amyQ control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector

PBS003             pHT08 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA

PBS004             pHT09 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA

PBS005             pHT10 vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA

PBS005C          pHT10-gfp+ control vector, lyophilized plasmid DNA, available only in combination with regular vector

PBS013             pHT253 (pHT-Pgrac100-His-Tag-MCS)

PBS014             pHT254 (pHT-Pgrac100-MCS-His-Tag)

PBS015             pHT255 (pHT-Pgrac100-MCS-STREP-Tag)

PBS020             Bacillus subtilis strain 1012wt

PBS021             Bacillus subtilis strain 168 Marburg

PBS022             Bacillus subtilis strain WB800N (for secretion vectors)

PBS023             Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8963

PBS024             Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8900

PBS025             Bacillus subtilis strain NZ8901

PBS026             Bacillus subtilis strain AS1

PBS031             pNZ8901 vector, lyophilized DNA

PBS032             pNZ8902 vector, lyophilized DNA

PBS033             pNZ8910 vector, lyophilized DNA

PBS034             pNZ8911 vector, lyophilized DNA

PBT001            pBacTag-DYKDDDDK vector DNA* also known as FLAG? Tag. FLAG? is a registered Trademark by Sigma-Aldrich Co.

PBT002            pBacTag-cMyc vector DNA

PBT003            pBacTag-HA vector DNA

PBT004            pBacTag-GFP+ vector DNA

PBT005            pBacTag-CFP vector DNA

PBT006            pBacTag-YFP vector DNA

PEG01              pEG-His 1 vector

PET01               Exontrap vector pET01, lyophilized DNA



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