【型号】 KT-800
这个ELISA试剂盒是用来对血清、血浆、细胞培养上清液、组织提取液以及尿液中的人胎球蛋白A也叫做α-2-Heremans-Schmid糖蛋白(α2–Heremans- Schmid glycoprotein, AHSG)的浓度进行定量检测。可以通过对胎球蛋白A的检测来诊断某些癌症和血清蛋白的基因遗传缺陷。血清胎球蛋白A下降是体内炎症的重要指标,并与冠状动脉硬化和心脏钙化密切相关;尿液胎球蛋白A与肾功能相关。该胎球蛋白酶免试剂盒仅供实验研究使用。
1. 胎球蛋白A抗体包被的微孔板:1块×96个
2. 胎球蛋白A示踪抗体:1瓶×0.6mL
3. 示踪抗体稀释液:1瓶×12mL
4. 胎球蛋白A检测浓缩缓冲液:1瓶×11mL
5. ELISA 浓缩洗涤液,30X :1瓶×20mL
6. ELISA HRP基质:1瓶×12mL
7. ELISA终止液:1瓶×12mL
8. 胎球蛋白A标准品:5瓶
9. 胎球蛋白A质控品:2瓶
1. Stenvinkel P, Wang K, QureshiAR, Axelsson J, Pecoits-Filho R, Gao P, Barany P, Lindholm B, Jogestrand T,Heimbürger O, Holmes C, Schalling M, Nordfors L. Low fetuin-Alevels are associated with cardiovascular death: Impact of variations in thegene encoding fetuin.Kidney Int.2005 Jun;67(6):2383-92.
2. Wang AY, Woo J, Lam CW, Wang M, Chan IH, GaoP, Lui SF, Li PK, Sanderson JE. Associationsof serum fetuin-A with malnutrition, inflammation, atherosclerosis and valvularcalcification syndrome and outcome in peritoneal dialysis patients.Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2005 Aug;20(8):1676-85.
3. Sato H, Kazama JJ, Wada Y, Kuroda T, NaritaI, Gejyo F, Gao P, Yamashita H. Decreasedlevels of circulating alpha2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein/Fetuin-A (AHSG) inpatients with rheumatoid arthritis.InternMed. 2007;46(20):1685-91. Epub 2007 Oct 15.
4. Lehtinen AB, Burdon KP, Lewis JP, Langefeld CD, Ziegler JT, Rich SS, Register TC, Carr JJ, Freedman BI, Bowden DW. Association of alpha2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein polymorphisms withsubclinical atherosclerosis. J Clin EndocrinolMetab. 2007 Jan;92(1):345-52. Epub 2006 Oct 24
5. Lim P, Collet JP, Moutereau S, Guigui N, Mitchell-Heggs L, Loric S, Bernard M, Benhamed S, Montalescot G, Randé JL, Guéret P. Fetuin-A is an independent predictor of death after ST-elevationmyocardial infarction. Clin Chem. 2007Oct;53(10):1835-40. Epub 2007 Aug 16
6. Ix JH,Wassel CL, Kanaya AM, Vittinghoff E, Johnson KC, Koster A, Cauley JA, HarrisTB, Cummings SR, Shlipak MG; Health ABC Study. Fetuin-A andincident diabetes mellitus in older persons.JAMA. 2008 Jul 9;300(2):182-8.
7. Ix JH, Wassel CL, Bauer DC, Toroian D, Tylavsky FA, Cauley JA, Harris TB, Price PA, Cummings SR, Shlipak MG; for the Health ABC Study. Fetuin-A and Bone Mineral Density in OlderPersons: The Health Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Study. J Bone MinerRes. 2008 Nov 18.
8. Giulia Bivona, Chiara Bellia, AntoniettaCaruso, Daniela Butera, Bruna Lo Sasso, Patrizia Altavilla, Rosa C. Carollo,Gaia Chiarello andMarcello Ciaccio. Low Serum Fetuin A Levels and Cardiovascular Events in End-Stage RenalDisease (ESRD) Patients. Research Journal of Medical Sciences 2 (4): 200-202,2008
9. Mario Cozzolinoa, Andrea Galassia,Maria Luisa Biondib, Olivia Turrib, Sergio Papagnic,Nicola Mongellic, Luigi Civitac, Maurizio Gallienia,Diego Brancaccioa SerumFetuin-A Levels
10. G. Metry, P. Stenvinkel,A. R. Qureshi,J. J. Carrero,M. I. Yilmaz,P. Bárány,S. Snaedal,O. Heimbürger,B. Lindholm and M. E. Suliman Low serum fetuin-A concentration predictspoor outcome only in the presence of inflammation in prevalent haemodialysispatients. EuropeanJournal of Clinical Investigation 2008;38(11):804 - 811
11. Doris Hendig,Veronika Schulz, Marius Arndt, Christiane Szliska, Knut Kleesiek, and ChristianGo¨ tting1. Role of Serum Fetuin-A, a Major Inhibitor of SystemicCalcification, in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Clin Chem 2006;52:227-234
12. G.Marhaug, V. Shah, R. Shroff, H. Varsani, L. R. Wedderburn, C. A. Pilkington and P. A. Brogan. Age-dependentinhibition of ectopic calcification: a possible role for fetuin-A andosteopontin in patients with juvenile dermatomyositis with calcinosis.Rheumatology 2008 47(7):1031-1037
13. Marcello Ciaccio, et al. Changes in serum fetuin-A and inflammatory markers levels in end-stagerenal disease (ESRD): effect of a single session haemodialysis. Clin Chem Lab Med2008;46:212–214
14. J. J. Carrero, P. Stenvinkel,B. Fellström,A. R. Qureshi,K. Lamb , O. Heimbürger, P. Bárány, K. Radhakrishnan, B. Lindholm,I. Soveri,L. Nordfors & P. G. Shiels. Telomere attrition is associated withinflammation, low fetuin-A levels and high mortality in prevalent haemodialysispatients. Journal ofInternal Medicine 2007;263(3):302 – 312
15. C . Fiore , G . Celotta , G . Politi , L . Di Pino, Z . Castelli , R . Mangiafico , S . Signorelli , P . Pennisi . Association of high alpha2-Heremans–Schmidglycoprotein/fetuin concentration in serum and intima-media thickness inpatients with atherosclerotic vasculardisease and low bone mass. Atherosclerosis 2007;195:110-115.
16. Sandro Mazzaferro, Marzia Pasquali, FrancescoPugliese, Giusi Barresi, Iacopo Carbone,Marco Francone, Daniela Sardella, Franco Taggi. SerumLevels of Calcification Inhibition Proteins and Coronary Artery Calcium Score:Comparison between Transplantation and Dialysis. Am J Nephrol 2007;27:75-83.
Frank Ou
Regional Sales Manager
Epitope Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.
599 Yazhong Rd.1-4F,jiaxing,zhejiang
PM: 13967333273
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Email: zou@xjbiotech.com