Mix Coal Tar/Petroleum Extract in Methylene Chloride | 1991 | 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
Standard Silicon Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation | 1994 | 100-mm wafer |
Standard Sapphire Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation | 1995 | 50-mm wafer |
Calibration Standard for High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction | 2000 | 1 block |
Calibration Standard for High Resolution X Ray Diffraction | 2012 | wafer |
metal-on-Fused-Silica Neutral Density Filters (250nm-635nm) | 2031b | set (3) |
Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard | 2035a | each |
Near-IR Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection | 2036 | each |
Solvent Red 24 Diesel Fuel Dye | 2037 | 100 mg powder |
Ti Alloy, Al-Nb-W | 2061 | cube |
K-411 Glass Microspheres | 2066 | 50 mg |
Sinusoidal Roughness | 2073a | each |
Sinusoidal Roughness | 2074 | each |
Sinusoidal Roughness | 2075 | each |
Dimensional Standard for Medical Computed Tomography | 2087 | each |
Density Standard for Medical Computed Tomography | 2088 | five foam blocks |
Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) | 2092 | set |
Low Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (Self- Verification) | 2093 | 5 bars |
High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) | 2096 | set |
High Energy Charpy V Notch Impact Specimen (Self-Verification) | 2097 | 5 bars |
Fracture Toughness of Ceramic | 2100 | 5 bars |
Dynamic Impact Force Verific Specimens (Nominal 24kN) | 2112 | set of four |
Dynamic Impact Force Verific, Specimens (Nominal 33kN) | 2113 | set of four |
Low Energy Izod Impact Specimen (NIST-Verification) | 2115 | set |
Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile | 2133 | each |
Arsenic in Silicon | 2134 | each |
Ni-Cr Thin Film Depth Profile | 2135c | each |
B Implant in Si Depth Profile | 2137 | each |
Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | 2139 | 100 g |
Urea | 2141 | 2 g |
p-Fluorobenzoic Acid | 2143 | 2 g |
m-Chlorobenzoic Acid | 2144 | 2 g |
Nicotinic Acid (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) | 2151 | 25 g |
Urea (Combustion Calorimetric Standard) | 2152 | 25 g |
LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only | 2159 | 200 g |
LA Steel, Carbon & Sulfur only | 2160 | 200 g |
Low Alloy Steel | 2165 | 150 g |
LA Steel, F | 2166 | 150 g |
LA Steel, G | 2167 | 150 g |
High Purity Iron | 2168 | 150 g |
LA Steel, (HSLA 100) | 2171 | 150 g |
S-7 Tool Steel | 2172 | 150 g |
MP 35N Refractory Alloy | 2175 | 150 g |
HEPES Free Acid | 2181 | 60 g |
NaHEPESate | 2182 | 60 g |
MOPSO Free Acid | 2183 | 50 g |
NaMOPSOate | 2184 | 50 g |
Pot. Hydrogen Phthalate | 2185 | 60 g |
Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate | 2186I | 30 g |
Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate | 2186II | 30 g |
Sodium Bicarbonate | 2191a | 30 g |
Sodium Carbonate | 2192a | 30 g |
Calcium Carbonate pH Standard | 2193a | 30 g |
Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective) | 2201 | 125 g |
Potassium Fluoride (Ion-Selective Electrodes) | 2203 | 125 g |
Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300nm) | 2206 | 5 g |
Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (18nm) | 2207 | 5 g |
Isooctane Liquid Density | 2214 | 4x5 mL |
Miniaturized Low Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen | 2216 | set of three |
Miniaturized Hi Energy Charpy, V Notch KLST Impact Specimen | 2218 | set of three |
Miniaturized Super High Energy, Charpy VNotch KLST Impact Spec | 2219 | set of three |
Mercury (Differential Scanning Calorimeters) | 2225 | 2.5 g |
Indium DSC Calibration Standard - Temperature and Enthalpy of Fusion | 2232 | 1 g |
Gallium for Thermal Analysis | 2234 | approximately 2 g |
Bismuth for Thermal Analysis | 2235 | 1.5 g |
Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation | 2241 | each |
Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 532 nm Excitation | 2242 | each |
Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 1064 nm Excitation | 2244 | each |
Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation | 2245 | each |
Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation | 2246 | each |
PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 2257 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 2258 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
PCB Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 2259 | 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Toluene | 2260a | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane | 2261 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Chlorinated Biphenyl Cogeners in Isooctane | 2262 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Nitrated Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Methylene Chloride I | 2264 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Nitrated Polycyclic Hyrocarbons in Methylene Chloride II | 2265 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Hopanes and Steranes in, 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane | 2266 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Deuterated Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate | 2267 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Carbon-13 Labeled Levoglucosan in Ethyl Acetate | 2268 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene | 2269 | 5x1.2 mL |
Perdeuterated PAH-II Solution in Hexane/Toluene | 2270 | 5x1.2 mL |
Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and metabolites in Isooctane | 2273 | 5x1.2 mL |
PCB Congener Solution-II in Isooctane | 2274 | 5x1.2 mL |
Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane | 2275 | 5x1.2 mL |
Three Planar Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Congeners in Isooctane | 2276 | 5x1.2 mL |
Arson Test Mixture in Methylene Chloride | 2285 | 5 x 1.2 mL |
Ethanol (in Gasoline) | 2286 | set (3) |
Ethanol (in Gasoline) | 2287 | set (3) |
t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) | 2288 | set (3) |
t-Amyl-methyl Ether (in Gasoline) | 2289 | set (3) |
Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) | 2290 | set (3) |
Ethyl-t-butyl Ether (in Gasoline) | 2291 | set (3) |
Methyl-t-butyl Ethyl (in Gasoline) | 2293 | set (3) |
Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 11% MTBE) | 2294 | 2 x 20 mL |
Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 15% MTBE) | 2295 | 2 x 20 mL |
Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 13% ETBE) | 2296 | 2 x 20 mL |
Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 10% Ethanol) | 2297 | 2 X 20 mL |
Sulfur in Gasoline (High-Octane) | 2298 | 5x20 mL |
Sulfur in Gasoline (Reformulated) | 2299 | 5x20 mL |
Sn-Pb Alloy Coating | 2321 | each |
Human DNA Quantitation Standard | 2372 | set (3 x 1 each) |
DNA Sequence Library for External RNA Controls | 2374 | 96 tubes |
Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in, 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 2377 | 5 x 1.2 mL ampoules |
Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair I | 2379 | 100 mg |
Drugs of Abuse in Human Hair II | 2380 | 100 mg |
Morphine Glucuronide in Urine | 2382 | set (4) |
Baby Food Composite | 2383a | 4 X 70 g |
Baking Chocolate | 2384 | 5 X 91 g |
Slurried Spinach | 2385 | 4x70 g |
Peanut Butter | 2387 | 3 x 170 g |
Amino Acids in 0.1 mol/L Hydrochloric Acid | 2389a | 5 x 1.2 mL |
PCR based DNA Profiling Standard | 2391c | 6 vials |
Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing | 2392 | set (3) |
Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing | 2392-I | each |
CAG Repeat Length Mutation in Huntington's Disease | 2393 | set (6) |
Oxidative DNA Damage Mass Spectrometry Standards | 2396 | set (10) |
55 % Aluminum - Zinc Alloy | 2426 | 40 g chip |
Scheelite Ore | 2430 | 100 g |
Titanium base Alloy | 2431 | 50 g |
Titanium base Alloy | 2432 | 50 g |
Titanium Alloy | 2433 | 50 g |
Fine Carbon (Activated) - From Cyanide Ore Leaching | 2451 | 100 g |
Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy | 2454 | 10 g |
Standard Cartridge Case | 2461 | 1 each |
Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) | 2483 | 250 mg |
Non-Newtonian Polymer Solution for Rheological Measurements | 2490 | 100 mL |
Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1560 nm to 1595 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-12/O-16) | 2514 | each |
Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1595 nm to 1630 nm (Carbon Monoxide C-13/O-16) | 2515 | each |
High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1510–1540 nm Acetylene 12C2H2 | 2517a | each |
Polarization Mode Dispersion | 2518 | each |
High Resolution Wavelength Calibration Reference for 1530-1565 nm Hydrogen Cyanide | 2519a | each |
Optical Fiber Diameter | 2520 | each |
Pin Gage for Optical Fiber Ferrul | 2522 | each |
Optical Fiber Ferrule Geometry | 2523 | each |
Polarization-Mode Dispersion (Non-Mode-Coupled) | 2538 | each |
Silicon Resistivity | 2541 | each |
Silicon Resistivity | 2543 | each |
Recycled Pellet (Autocatalyst) | 2556 | 70 g |
Recycled Monolith (Autocatalyst) | 2557 | 70 g |
Lead Paint Films for Children's Products | 2569 | 8 sheets |
Lead Paint Film, White/Blank Nominal <0.001 mg/cm2 | 2570 | 1 film |
Lead Paint Film (Yellow), Nominal 3.5 mg/cm2 | 2571 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Film (Orange), Nominal 1.6 mg/cm2 | 2572 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Film (Red), Nominal 1.0 mg/cm2 | 2573 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Film (Gold), Nominal 0.7 mg/cm2 | 2574 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Film (Green), Nominal 0.3 mg/cm2 | 2575 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Film, High Level | 2576 | 1 +blank |
Lead Paint Films for Portable XRF Analyzers | 2579a | set (6) |
Powdered Paint Nominal 4% Lead | 2580 | 30 g |
Powdered Paint Nominal 0.5 % Lead | 2581 | 35 g |
Powdered Paint Nominal 200mg/kg Lead | 2582 | 20 g |
Trace Elements in Indoor Dust | 2583 | 8 g |
Trace Elements in Indoor Dust | 2584 | 8 g |
Organic Contaminants in House Dust | 2585 | 10 g |
Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead From Paint (Nominal 500 mg/kg Lead) | 2586 | 55 g |
Trace Elements in Soil (contains lead from paint) | 2587 | 55 g |
Powdered Paint Nominal 10% Lead | 2589 | 35 g |
Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) | 2613a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 45 µmol/mol) | 2614a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) | 2617 | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.5 % mol/mol) | 2619a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol) | 2620a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1.5 % mol/mol) | 2621a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) | 2622a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3 % mol/mol) | 2624a | cylinder |
Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3.5 % mol/mol) | 2625a | cylinder |
Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 µmol/mol) | 2628a | cylinder |
Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) | 2629a | each |
Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) | 2630 | each |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 25 µmol/mol) | 2635a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) | 2636a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) | 2637a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5000 µmol/mol) | 2638a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 % mol/mol) | 2639a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) | 2640a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 4 % mol/mol) | 2641a | cylinder |
Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 8 % mol/mol) | 2642a | cylinder |
Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) | 2646a | cylinder |
Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) | 2647a | cylinder |
Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) | 2657a | cylinder |
Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol) | 2658a | cylinder |
Oxygen in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 21 % mol/mol) | 2659a | cylinder |
Total Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) | 2660a | cylinder |
Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine | 2668 | Set (10) (5 each conc) |
Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine | 2669 | Set (10) (5 each conc.) |
Toxic Elements in Urine (Freeze-Dried) | 2670a | set (4) (2 each conc) |
Membrane Blank Filter | 2678 | set (10) |
Ashless Blank Filter | 2681 | set (10) |
Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) | 2683c | 50 g |
Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 5 %Sulfur) | 2685c | 50 g |
Portland Cement Clinker | 2686a | 4 vials x 7 g |
Portland Cement Clinker | 2687 | 3 vial x 10 g |
Portland Cement Clinker | 2688 | 3 vials x 10 g |
Coal Fly Ash | 2689 | set (3) |
Coal Fly Ash | 2690 | set (3) |
Coal Fly Ash | 2691 | set (3) |
Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury and Chlorine) | 2692c | 50 g |
Bituminous Coal (Sulfur, Mercury, and Chlorine) | 2693 | 50 g |
NIST 美国国家标准局 标准物质(4)